Chp 6: "I Know.."

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'I failed to protect you again'


Jeonghan and Joshua reached the rooftop then sat down at the corner. After they sat down Joshua leaned his head at Jeonghan's shoulder closing his eyes. Jeonghan flinched and blushed as the younger leaned his head on his shoulder.

"You wont mind right?" Joshua asked.

"Yeah i dont mind" Jeonghan replied patting Joshua's head.

Both then proceeded to lean to each other spending their recess resting. A few minutes later Joshua is fast asleep while jeonghan was just playing with his phone.

"Nnn.. Hannie..." Jeonghan heard the younger saying that in his sleep which made the older drop his phone.

"W-who.." Joshua kept talking in his sleep while the older was just there frozen by the words he heard.

Jeonghan heard the bell ring and then waked Joshua up.

"Shua wake up recess is over" Jeonghan said as he tapped the youngers shoulder.

"You sure sleep a lot dont you?" Jeonghan chuckled at the younger who keeps sleeping a lot.

"Well you told me to rest didnt you?" Joshua smiled as both stood up to go to their classroom.

"Point" Jeonghan replied.


Jeonghan and Joshua we're walking to their lockers. Both stayed with each other the whole school hours as they enjoyed each other's company.

"So my place or your place?" Joshua asked leaving Jeonghan suprised and blush a bit by the sudden question.

Both became silent as Joshua realized what he just asked.

"Ah- what i mean is.. Like w-where are we gonna do our p-project so i asked if my place or yours" Joshua explained as he covered his face.

"Ooh i see" Jeonghan replied calming himself down from the misunderstanding.

"Sorry.." Joshua said while still covering himself.

"It's fine and you know you're pretty cute too you know shua" Jeonghan said flirting with the younger. Joshua just stood there and blushed more because of the compliment (?)

"Stop.. I dont really like compliments that much and im not cute" Joshua then uncovered his tomato face which is clearly saying that his embarrassed. (annd??)

"Okay okay let's go to your place then i think it's much more closer than mine" Jeonghan laughed while Joshua stopped feeling embarrassed as he saw the laughing face of the older.

'I missed this' Jeonghan thought as he walked together with Joshua on their way to Joshua's apartment to do their project.
While walking Joshua the hummed the song he was practicing yesterday night.

"Thats a nice tune" Jeonghan said looking at Joshua. Joshua then looked over at jeonghan answering

"Yeah it seems that i wrote that song 2 years ago, It's a love song actually.. i think it's meant for someone special to me that i dont really remember who..." Joshua then looked at the sky and continued humming the song.

'Two years ago? A love song? Meant for someone special?' Those question kept going through Jeonghan's mind as he guessed if Joshua wrote that two years ago for him before he..

"Jeonghan" Jeonghan snapped out of his thoughts replying to the younger


"Just wanna ask if you're okay you seem to be spacing out again" Joshua said

"Yeah im fine just have a lot of things on my mind" The older replied.

"Same a lot of things keeps coming to my mind to leaving me confused i hate it." Joshua pouted. Jeonghan smiled at Joshua who's poutting.

"It'll be fine you'll figure those things out I'll even help you so dont worry" Jeonghan said as he looked at the sky.

"You're the one who said you'll help me no take backs, You'll help me figure all this out"
Joshua said as he smiled and both giggled.

"We're here" Joshua then lead jeonghan on their apartment room.

"Vernon im back" Vernon then looked at the door seeing his hyung with a visitor.

"Welcome back hyung and" "Welcome jeonghan-hyung". Vernon then go back in his computer.

"Let's go to my room?" Joshua asked then Jeonghan nodded.

Jeonghan followed Joshua to his room with him feeling nervous and his heart beating fast non-stop he doesnt know why.

" Ah- Jeonghan-hyung" Vernon shouted. "Can we talk for a second?" Jeonghan looked at Joshua who nodded his head as a saying that he can go.

Jeonghan then sat beside vernon at the couch while Joshua is at his room prepearing the things.

"Calm down hyung you look tense" Vernon said.

"So you noticed?" Jeonghan sighed "I dont even know why im feeling this way i mean just because im gonna be alone with him in his room again doesnt mean that i need to be nervous besides he doesnt even remember m-" Jeongahn was cutted off

"Hyung your spiralling" vernon closed his laptop. "Look i know you already know the news and i think your still processing it that's why your nervous... Your nervous and afraid that he might eventually remember what happend 2 years ago then hate you but calm down first okay Joshua-hyung is an understanding person and he never hated you not even once even 2 years ago.. He may not remember you.. But Of course out of all the people you should already know that since your the one who knows Joshua-hyung the most, so calm down and dont really think about what's his reaction if he remembers just try and help him for now he's really confused and after all that that's when you apologize."

Jeonghan tearing up looking down as hansol give him an advice casually just reading his mind.

"Thanks... for the advice hansol, your right im afraid because i feel so guilty but yeah instead of worrying about that now I'll worry about that in the future for now I'll just help and do my best to make the person that i love to understand what he wants to understand and be happy without any problems." Jeonghan smiled and calmed himself down then made his way to Joshua's room.

" btw hyung it was never your fault, even Joshua-hyung would've and will say that when he remembers" Hansol smiled.

Jeonghan smiled then knocked at Joshua's room. "Took you long enough" Joshua said while he opened the door smiling to Jeonghan.

"Yeah it's just that hansol had so much to say to me" Jeonghan replied as he sat down on Joshua's bed.

"i know.."

A/N: WAH WILKL THE WHOLE MISSING INFO BE REVEALED AT THE NEXT CHAP?? who nows even i dont knoe🛌 anyways thanks for reading stay tuned for the next chaps loveliess🤍

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