Chapter 26

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Sana's POV

I decided to took the day off today so I could bond with my family; my whole family.

I took Dahyun and Dana to our family mansion to finally introduce them both to my mom and uncle, my soon-to-be stepfather.

As usual, I was greeted by the maids and bodyguards, even the drivers, as soon as my car was parked in front of the mansion.

"Welcome back, Ms. Sana." A maid bowed in front of me as she greeted. I gave her a smile and thanked her for the warm welcome.

The three of us went inside to look for my mom and uncle. What I didn't expect was a familiar woman talking to them.

I know well who that figure is

"Ms. Hana!" I called out for her in which she immediately turned around to look at my direction. Same goes for mom and uncle, who seemed surprise to see me.

"Sana! Nice to see you again! And probably for the last time as your personal driver."

I gasped hearing that from her, "Wait what?! You're resigning?!"

"Yes, Sana. Don't worry, this wouldn't be the last time we'd see each other ever. I just became an instructor for a dance studio near our residence. So if you'd ever visit my little sister, Momo, you're also welcome to visit the studio." Ms. Hana explained.

Apparently, she was finally accepted at the job there after applying for the 3rd time. Dancing was Ms. Hana's passion, just like Momo. The younger one just seem to like learning about veterinary medicine more at the university that's why she chose that instead of a dance major.

"I'll remember that, Ms. Hana. Thank you so much for serving us for god knows how long."

Ms. Hana chuckled at my statement. She noticed Dana beside us and squealed, kneeling to our daughter's level.

"She's so cute! What's her name?"

"Dana, Ms. Hana. Minatozaki Dana." I answered, smiling down at how Ms. Hana pinched our daughter's plump cheeks.

"Whoa- you two have a child? Congrats!"

"Thank you, Ms. Hana."

"Well, I'd be going now, Sana. I'll see you again when I see you, alright?" I nodded at Ms. Hana before she left the mansion and went off to her dance studio.

Meanwhile, I'm finally facing mom and uncle. Mom was the first to speak up as soon as Ms. Hana left.

"So, did I heard it right, Sana? This little girl's your daughter?"

"Yes, mom. I know it seems early for us to have one, but she came to us unexpectedly as well. Even so, I love her still." I remarked, patting Dana's head gently.

"You raised such an adorable kid, Sana." Uncle Saichi commented in which I thanked him for.

"I'm not against of you having a child, Sana. It seem like you're really taking care of her well, which is I'm glad of." I smiled hearing mom's words.

She's just so much nicer than my dad. I can't believe I used to hate her before just because she couldn't defend me against dad's will. At least now, we don't have anything to worry about anymore.

We're all here, happy as a whole family. No abusive husband and father in our property.

"So, what made you decide to pay a visit, Sana?" Mom asked.

"Just to introduce our daughter to you guys, honestly. And also, my girlfriend, Kim Dahyun." I motioned Dahyun to take a step forward and let her talk to my mom.

Dahyun bowed in front of mom and gave her a smile, "Hello, Mrs. Minatozaki. It's nice to meet you. Thank you also for accepting me for your daughter."

Mom smiled at how polite Dahyun was, making me look at her proudly.

"No need to be so formal, Dahyun. Just call me mom as well. And welcome to the family." Mom offered her hand to Dahyun and they shook hands, "Say, are you Kim Dawon's daughter?"


"Figures. You look so much like her back when we were still your age." I could sense the bitter chuckle from mom. I wonder what that's all about?

"I wonder if Dawon still remembers me 'til this day." Mom mumbled, but I heard it clearly.

"Is there some kind of connection between you and Dahyun's mom, mom?" I asked, curious of what suddenly got her thinking about Dahyun's mom.

"We... used to be friends until my parents found out I was friends with her back then. That's when I was arranged with your father, Sana."

Mom's explanation left me in shock, "So even your parents are horrible, mom. God, what kind of monstrosity fills the air for elders at your time?"

"At first, your dad was really genuine of me, which made me fall for him. But as soon as we turned adults and got married, he started to change."

"It really wasn't much of a shock. Our dad really likes to create our own destined partners just for business. Sadly, Satoshi's fear, for what his father might do, had exceeded his love for Nana. In the end, Satoshi became the person he fears the most." Uncle Saichi responded, arms crossed and seemingly uninterested at the topic about my dad.

"If it's okay, Mrs- I mean, mom... Did you ever regret leaving mom alone?" Dahyun was the one to ask this time around.

"I thoroughly did, Dahyun. She was my first real friend ever. It was difficult for me to leave her, but I had no other choice." Mom answered honestly, her smile had already faded at this point and was replaced with a frown.

Dahyun held my mother's hands and said, "My mom just miss you as much, mom. I think it's better for you two to meet again after the years that passed."

"I just hope we'd still be friends after this, Dahyun. But thank you for the encouragement. I'll keep that in mind." Mom gave Dahyun a smile, which she gave back.

Uncle Saichi decided to speak up to bring the mood back for everyone, "How about this, everyone, let's all have lunch together as a whole family. How does that sound?"

I smiled and nodded at uncle, "That'll be a good idea, Uncle Saichi. I'm actually looking forward on bonding together with you two, along with my girlfriend and daughter."

"It's settled then!"

When were about to go to the kitchen to ask our chefs to prepare something for lunch, a maid called for our attention, running towards our direction in panic.

"Mr. Minatozaki Saichi! Mr. Minatozaki Satoshi is outside the gates right now and is calling for the family inside the mansion to go see him!"

I felt my world collapse at the mention of my biological dad's name.

He's back? No... Don't tell me he's here to ruin our perfect family again?!


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