Chapter Ten

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The end of the school day came just as Todd left for the cave, so he blended in with the other boys quite nicely. He passed hoards of them relaxing and doing their homework in the lawn, enjoying the fragile mid-March sun while it lasted; 'The calm before the storm.'

He could hear the crunching of old leaves and muttered curse words as he entered the vicinity of the cave. Drawing neared, he could also hear light sobs. 'Neil, my Neil.'

Todd slowly walked in on a balled up Neil, crying and holding a crumpled paper.

"Neil?" Todd watched as the boy jumped to his feet.

"Todd, Oh- oh my God, I'm so sorry-"

Todd cut Heil off with a hug, "Oh, don't be. I'm here." They stayed there for a while, hugging and feeling Todd's jacket shoulder moistened by Neil's slowing tears. Tentatively, Todd pulled away. "What about your girlfriend though?"

Neil's face went blank. "What do you mean?"

"You have a girlfriend," Todd scoffed, "What- you aren't- you aren't teasing me, are you?"

"Oh, Toddy, no, oh no. Cynthia's my pen pal, she agreed to be my girlfriend for a day just to satisfy my parents."

"W-Well you told no one that you were broken up. God damn it, Neil!" Todd's eyes were now watering. "Did you think of how they affected me? I've been waiting for you since December. And- on top of that, you never once said anything when I told you I was- forget it. Never mind." Todd turned around and began to leave when Neil pulled him back in.

"Wait, Todd, please. Can I explain?"

Todd froze, unsure of what to do. "What could you possibly say to help me believe you?"

"I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you, Todd. The amount of nights you've stayed with me, or the days you'd help me with my lines, I fall in love more each time. The only time I've even had the courage to act upon it you weren't even awake! I'm so, so sorry for loving you in secret. But can you forgive me in our love to come?"

And Todd stood there, back still turned, shivering with the ferocious amount of love and yearning in his body. "Neil Perry, I have never loved a person as much as I have you. You're my Boy."

Dedicated to sweet Ophelia, for without whom this book would have never been finished. Thank you, friend.


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