Chapter Three: Traveling Companions

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"So...what exactly is an 'Espatier'?" Rence asked jokingly as they walked through the auxiliary parking lot beside her. "A big, glorified Space Marine?"

Jahenna gave her brother a look that could peel paint at twenty meters, laden with enough weaponized sibling hate and malice that the promise of death was the only conceivable escape.

"How can I put this in 'simple' terms for you to understand?" She mused, walking in the hot sun just behind him. "An Espatier is a Space Marine in the same way...a business loan is to an insurance policy."

"That...doesn't make any sense," Rence said.

"Neither does your comparison," Jahenna quipped. "Marines, for example, don't work in space; they work on the ground, and dominate the air, land, and sea of the planet they're stationed on."

"That's what I said," Rence argued.

"That is not what you said," she quipped again. "Espatiers, on the other hand, don't just work in space, they live in space; they own the stars, orbits, and everything beneath."

"...what's the difference?"

"Marines chew crayons," she said. "Espatiers chew vacuum. Brother, I love you, but you're venturing down a path that will not end very well for you if you keep going."

"Really?" He asked not-so-innocently. "How so?"

" you really want to find out?" She asked. "Bear in mind, I know how to kill people with my finger."

It dawned on him then that, although he'd been joking...perhaps she wasn't.

"...maybe not."

Jahenna shook her head as she smiled.

"You...erm...sure you don't need any help with that?" He asked her again, after watching her haul the canvas duffel over her shoulder past another car.

"I got it," she said. "Why, you think I can't?"

"I didn't say that," he countered. "I just...I hope you're not thinking I couldn't in this gravity," he protested.

"Why would I think that?" Jahenna asked.

"Gravity was...always a bit much for me here."

"Well of course it would be a bit much on you," she said. "You grew up on Kasper, in a third of the gravity of this place."

"Oh yeah," he quipped, his own voice suddenly becoming cheery. "Sorry, I forgot."

"Rence, do you ever stop with the bad jokes?" She asked. "Because in the past fifteen minutes I've only wanted to choke you out three times. How is it that nobody has murdered you yet?"

"Armed security officers in my apartment complex," he stated matter-of-factly. "When you're a bank manager like I am, you tend to get perks like that."

"I bet," she mumbled, silently cursing out her Dad's nepotism for her brother.

After walking a few more rows, Rence approached a large, six-seated blue monstrosity that promised a fully automated driving experience, complete with luxury comforts only found in the latest of land-based autonomous vehicles.

"Nice rental," Jahenna said as Rence opened one of the doors for her. She tossed the canvas bag inside, leaping in behind it.

"Thanks," he said, climbing up into the chair closest to the door with a labored grunt. He sat for a moment, breathing deeply, before dialing in commands to the vehicle's interface.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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