Light Shining Through

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It's winter. Snow covers a small village and the woods surrounding it. It's rather hidden and secluded from the outside world. Walking through the forest, we see a little boy, maybe around 10, with a smaller boy walking next to him, holding the olders hand.

???: "Mom said we had to go get food for this week, so no getting distracted Yuta, okay?"

The older boy said, looking down to his little brother, Yuta. Yuta looked up at his older brother, slightly pouty.

Yuta: "I know, I know Y/N."

Y/N chuckled slightly, turning his attention back in front of him as they two young boys neared the village. They lived a little ways away, their family running the water mill for the village.

Yuta shivered slightly, cold. He wasn't able to handle the winter like his older siblings and parents. His twin sister was in the same boat as him though.

Y/N: "The first store isn't too far, you'll warm up there Yu-Yu."

Yuta sighed, slightly annoyed by the nickname given to him by his older brother. After a little more walking, the two boys walked into the store, where the shopkeeper greeted them.

???: "Ah, Yuta, Y/N! What brings you here on this nice day?"

Y/N: "We just need to get some food for the week. Mom let Yu-Yu come this time!"

Y/N gave his signature smile, although the same couldn't be said for the younger boy.

Yuta: "The house is warmer. I'd rather be there."

The shopkeeper and Y/N laughed/chuckled, while Yuta remained unamused.

???: "You'll be warm soon enough Yuta. So, Y/N. What'll it be for the Akarui's this week?"

Y/N smiled as he walked over to the counter and started picking stuff out.

Y/N: "Just the usual Mr. Kinseke."

Kinseke snickered slightly at Y/N calling him Mr. Kinsese.

Kinseke: "Please. Just call me Reina. Your family's done too much for me just to let me make you call me "Mr. Kinseke." Reina works just fine."

Yuta: "Yeah Y/N. You're the only person to still call Reina "Mr. Kinseke." It's weird."

Y/N: "It's not weird to be respectful to your elders. If you even know what that means."

Y/N turned his head to his little brother, closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out at him.

Y/N: "Anyways, that's all we need. Thanks Mr. Reina."

Y/N bowed politely, grabbing the stuff he was buying. He took out some money from
his pocket and handed it over to Reina.

Reina: "Oh, don't worry about it. Hey, tell your parents said hi, alright?"

Y/N waved to him as he and Yuta started walking out the store.

Y/N: "I will! Bye!"

Yuta: "Bye Reina."

After saying their goodbyes, the two boys left the store. Upon exiting, Yuta shivered slightly.

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