Time Cut Short

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It's been a while since Tanjiro and his sister, Nezuko, had been sanctioned by Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the Demon Slayer Corps leader and master. During that time, Tanjiro met with Zenitsu and Inoksue again in the Butterfly Mansions hospital ward.

A couple of days later, with Y/N, he's walking side by side next to Shinobu to the mansion.

The two didn't say much, not that verbal communication was needed after first meeting with the Insect Hashira a few hours earlier. Still, Shinobu had a question to ask Y/N.

Shinobu: "Y/N, not that I mind, but why do you wish to accompany me at the Butterfly Mansion?"

She gained a slightly teasing smile.

Shinobu: "My my, are you worried for Kanao? Did you think I'd have gobbled her up during the time you were with her? Oh my, I thought you trusted me more then that Y/N~"

Y/N glanced her way for a moment before looking back to the path ahead.

Y/N: "No. I'm pretty sure if that were to have happened, you wouldn't be walking next to me. And I just wanna say hi to Kanao. Oh, and I suppose apologize to Tanjiro. I might've used a bit more strength then necessary."

Y/B muttered that last part to himself, looking down at his right hand and making a fist lightly before opening his hand again. He did this once or twice more before looking back to the ground.

Y/N: "He's got a hard head though. Didn't even bleed when I forced to into the concrete. In all honesty... He's scary."

Shinobu looked slightly surprised, not turning away from the boy for a few moment before chuckling lightly, putting her hand to her mouth.

Shinobu: "Oh my, I didn't think a Hashira would be scared of a Mizunoto."

Y/N gave her a deadpan look before speaking.

Y/N: "You're scared of squirrels-"

Y/N was cut off immediately by Shinobu getting a tick mark, showcasing her usual angered smile to the boy.

Shinobu: "I'm afraid I have no clue what you're talking about Y/N."

Y/N simply kept his mouth shut, fearing for his well-being. Not that his facial expression differed any to express that.







Not too much long after the walk, which Y/N wanted for reasons unknown to Shinobu, the pair managed to make it to the Butterfly Mansion.

Y/N: "It's been a while since I've been here..."

Pausing for a brief second, Y/N sighed, following Shinobu into the hospital ward.

Y/N: "Hm? That's Tanjiro... and Muruta from the meeting, if I remember correctly... The one with a boar head is Inosuke, so... who's the yellow haired one."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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