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E P I S O D E  3 5 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - f i v e  :  C A U G H T  B L I S S

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E P I S O D E  3 5 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - f i v e  :  C A U G H T  B L I S S

he laid motionless. blankly staring up at the grey ceiling yet a smile was glued to his face. "grandma ... i've been through a lot these past few days."

"back then, you were wondering why i always go home with bruises." the blond swallows, smile unfaltering. "the thing is ... i was part of a delinquent squad."

"i became something my body wasn't made for." he thinks back to the day he sat next to mucho, the fifth division captain who always kept himself isolated however still reliable. "a ... friend thought that i had come to the realization that i am part of a gang yet i can't throw a punch right."

"grandma, you ... probably already have heard of tōman, right?" chiyo didn't look up, only keeping her eyes fixated on the cold coffee she once again took hold of. "the one mikey made, wishing to build an era for delinquents."

chiyo honestly thought that it was a stupid idea. being a bunch of hoodlums lurking around the neighborhood. but she never said that aloud because those kids kept the neighborhood at least friendly and free from robbers and bullies.

"grandma, mikey and his friends ... hate me." takemichi says ever so softly, his view becoming blurry around the corners. "they ... don't like me."

there was a wistful laugh, before the sound of a restraint voice came again. "mikey said that he found me annoying ..."

"i love mikey, grandma." chiyo could feel the pain that spilled from the boy's sweet voice. "it was painful to hear him say that."

takemichi smiled, eyes pained, and yet his voice came featherlight.

"grandma, is it ... bad to ... love more than one person?" chiyo finally looked up. she wasn't surprised. not even the slightest bit startled.

but the longing, yearning, and love that laced the blond's words made her heart stir and clench painfully. her lips parted, not from bewilderment, but from realization.

as she saw takemichi, her grandson's head turned and facing her, a weak smile curled along his pale lips. "it's weird. but i never thought of it that way."

"not when ... i feel like my heart can keep more than one person."

there was that gaze again when takemichi turned and softly stared at the grey ceiling of the private room. wonderment. "izana ... is very handsome. when i first met him, my heart ... it wouldn't stop beating fast. i didn't even run yet i felt like i had to catch my breath when i saw him."

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