Chapter one

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Read the pilot Chapter for more informations on the story.(I changed a bit of the story so I recommend to read it again if you don't want to be confused<3)

(First person)

Today was another long boring day of college, it sucked so bad today since I got in an small argument with my friends about shifting . One of my friends shifted on the first try when I've been trying for the past 2years. I know it is something stupid to argue about but we'll make up soon anyways .

So I walk back to my apartment, looking at my phone. I chuckled seeing Tiktoks about South Park and how much Clyde cries. I open the door to my apartment and I see two of my neighbors chatting in the hallway.
"Hello,Miss Stefani , Miss Jean" I greet the two women with a smile

"Oh hi Y/n, how are you today?" miss Jean asks with a smile , she was about in her late 40s while miss Stefani was in her 50s.

"I'm fine , thanks ." I smile at the two before starting to walk up the stairs. I lived at the last floor so it was tiring to walk all of this every day.

When I finally got up I take a deep breath before opening my door , there was nobody else but me at this floor so I was glad to have some privacy.

I closed the door behind me and smile at the sight of my small shelf filled with South Park merch. I quickly took off my jacket and put my bag to the side before turning on my tv and sitting on the couch, I put on South Park once again, I finished watching it but I just keep rewatching.

I lay back comfortably as I enjoy the intro playing in my ears...

(Third person)

Kenny , Cartman , Kyle and Stan were walking through the forest . Trying to find something.

"Why did you even drag us out there fatass?" Kyle said rolling his eyes as he followed Cartman throught the forest
"I told you guys ! I saw something shining out there last night! And don't call me fat you fucking Jew!" Cartman snapped back as he continued walking
"We've been here for more than 30 minutes already ! There's nothing admit it , you just wasted our time!" Kyle said rolling his eyes. Meanwhile Kenny and Stan were just following behind, bored and unamused by this situation

"I swear Kyal ! I did see something." The fat one replied with a groan as he pushed away some vines with his foot

After awhile more of walking now they were all getting tired and annoyed.

"okay , where the fuck are you taking us fatass?!" Stan shouted seemingly annoying and pissed.

"STOP CALLING ME FAT! I've lost weight okay?!" Cartman yelled back.

Stan rolled his eyes before speaking again"Sure , now tell us where the-" but he suddently got cut off by a bright flashing light coming from afar

Their eyes were left wide open as they stared in the distance , flabbergasted.

"See?! I told you guys! And you didn't believe me!" Cartman said snickering before rushing (waddling) towards the light. Leaving the others confused and surprised.

They carefully approached the source of the mysterious light
"Is this heaven?" Stan said softly as they walked towards the light, Cartman was Infront running toward it excitedly

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