Chapter Five

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I dearly apologize for the lateness of this chapter, but I've been going through things lately . And I've been mentally too exhausted to continue writing. I hope you can forgive me , thanks and hope you'll like this chapter.

\Suggestive themes and language./

(First person)

The next morning I woke up, slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes as the sun hit my face through the windows. I had such a weird dream ... I open my eyes and look around... that's not my house. Oh yeah, I forgot... I sigh before standing up and stretching , I looked up at the clock , it was 10am already, I guess I slept well. I walked to the table and looked down at the platter with breakfast already served on it, there was also a little note.

«Good morning Kenny , I'm at school atm so I left you some breakfast on the table as you can probably see , I also washed your clothes , they are on the side of the sink in the bathroom. I'll be back by lunch! Cya!» that's what the note reads. I smile and place the note back down , I then pulled the chair and sat down , I ate breakfast normally as I allowed myself to watch the tv at the same time.

I then cleaned up the table and went to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes I walked back to the living room , it felt good to wear something I know. I sat down on my ...bed I guess... and continued watching the tv while I waited for her to come back...
After a few minutes I heard some noises coming from the window next to me , I ignored it the first time until I heard it again and this time , I reached over to the curtains and pulled them to the side to see what was making that noise.

"What-" I said as I saw a orange cat scratching the window to get in , I quickly opened the window and the cat meowed at me before jumping into my laps , I chuckled slightly as I pat his head , it was a male I could see it. He rubbed himself against me before jumping off of me and into the floor, he walked around like if he owned the place , I followed him as he walked to the kitchen and jumped on the counter , there I noticed there was a empty cat bowl in the corner . "Oh... Are you her cat?" I asked the cat without really wanting a response, of course . Though the cat meowed in response as it rubbed itself against me again and walked back to the bowl , I sigh , she didn't tell me she had a cat , and I don't know where she keeps it's food!

I looked around the cabinets for a few seconds before finally finding a bag of cat food , i poured some Into the bowl and the cat quickly rushed to eat it. I watched him as he ate the food.

I smile seeing how cute it looks. After he finished eating he went towards my bed and laid down there. I sat down next to him and he immediately jumped back into my lap. I chuckled before stroking he's head gently as I watched Tv , it slowly fell asleep..

I watched tv with the cat on my lap for a long time until the front door opened. I smile seeing y/n enter with a sigh and sniffling . She probably caught a cold . I mean it is getting pretty cold outside. Looks like it's November or something.

"Hey Kenny, and Ken" she said chuckling as she took of her coat and scarf.

"Ken and Kenny?" I questioned, curiously. Before she pointed to the cat.

"He's name is Ken. I named it after you." She explained with a kind smile as she walked closer to me and leaned down to pet the cat on my lap , who when she approached and pet him he immediately recognized her and woke up , meowing at her as he got up from my lap and rubbed himself into hers.

She chuckled. "You didn't tell me you had a cat." I said smiling at the cat trying to climb on her. And he wasn't the only one wanting to do so.

" didn't ask." She replied with a smirk as she picked up Ken and placed him on her shoulder . He climbed around and then laid on her shoulder. They seemed to have such a strong bound.

"Since when have you had him?" I asked curious about their shared love.

"Since about 4years ago now. But this poor guy was alone in the streets when I first met him , he looked in such bad shape and so sad. But look at him now ! He's so cute!" She said rubbing her nose against his forehead. I laughed seeing this interaction.

"You'd be a good mother." I said , not noticing it slipped out like that. She looked back at me with wide eyes."Oh! No not in that way—i meant like you know as you look like you'd do great parenting!" I explained myself as I waved my arms in denial of my mistake.


I looked at him and laughed. His mistake was so innocently funny.

"Well, do you wanna go get some stuff? At the store. I need some new clothes for myself anyways and we can also get you some other stuff you might need .?" I suggested with a smile as I picked Ken off my shoulder and placed him down .

"Oh well I don't have any money though." He said awkwardly.
"I know , don't worry that's why I'm offering." I said chuckling softly as I saw his confused expression.

"For real?" He said , dumbfounded
"For real." I replied ,with a smirk as I walked to the door and picked up my coat to put it on

"So? You coming or no?" I said as I put on my coat and scarf.

With that , he smiled and got up , walking over to me. Ready to go for a small adventure...

Sorry if the chapter's really short but I didn't have any motivation to write .
Hope you liked it though!
I also decided to add a little bit of playfulness to Y/n attitude. Hope you won't mind.

Through the Dimensions Kenny McCormick x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now