Chapter four

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(First person)

After that she gave me some proper food . I mean pasta and chicken. It was good but she seemed frustrated.
I was seated Infront of her at the table munching on the chicken.

"You good sweet cheeks?" I asked with a small smirk , mouth full of chicken.
She looked up at me and sighed "I don't know I just don't understand, this is all so confusing! I don't understand it..." She complained putting her head in her hands.
"I know . I don't understand anything either . Like how is it possible for me to have teleported here!" I replied taking a few pasta and slurping them. She hummed in response.

"Anyways, let's talk about something else! How old are you , cutie?" I said with a smirk and a wink. She looked up and rolled her eyes. "I'm nineteen." "Oh wow your older than me! That's good though I like older girls..." I said with a suggestive smile. "Your confirming every Headcanons ever with those comments ..." She said chuckling

"Your gonna have to explain to me what the hell is a Headcanon now." I said frowning at her . Honestly it annoyed me that I didn't understand half of the things she was saying about me!


I sigh looking up at Kenny . I still couldn't believe that the real Kenneth McCormick was Infront of me In my apartment. And he was aged up to! I mean- older I guess.
"Headcanons are something people created about their favorite characters , that refers to something a fan imagines about the characters such as a scenario or relationship but that doesn't appear on screen." I explained to him crossing my arms.
"Ohh... So people imagine me as a fuck boy?" He said with a smirk and a snicker "Pretty much yeah" I agreed with a shrug

"Well what else is there about me that fans created?" He asked and I froze at the question... Oh no ...

I looked away , my mouth turning into a thin line as I didn't want to answer that question.

"Mh? What? Can you not tell me?" He said with a smirk as he leaned on the table
I took a quick glance at him before looking away again
"Is it really that bad?" He said with a chuckle and I looked back at him


Kenny exclaimed loudly, his eyes wide in fear as he scrolled through Google
"People are sick dude!" He said closing my pc and pushing it to the side.
"And that's only the sfw fanarts of ships..." I said quietly as I squinted my eyes at him slightly

"Holy shit dude... People actually ship me with so many people...Ew..." He shuttered as he looked at the floor , his eye still wide.
"so your going to tell me you don't like anyone in all those ships ?" I ask looking up at him with a curious look on my face

"Hell nah most of them are like my friends !"
He exclaimed loudly as he held his face in his hands

"Knew it!" I exclaimed proudly

"I don't ever want to see what kind of stuff there is about me on there again.." he sigh and looks at the computer with a disgusted look on his face
I chukle in response and slide the computer over to me before opening it again.


I look over at her and see her typing on the computer, I try to peak at what she's doing but I can't since the screen is too far. Then she turns the computer over to me and I see TikTok opened , I narrow my eyes in confusion as she clicks on the play button . Then a edit or me when I was in fourth grade starts playing. The edit was good and very well done! I smile seeing how cool it looks .. honestly it doesn't seem like there's only weird people that like me.
I look up at her and I meet her eyes . Our eyes locking for a few seconds. Then she turned away a little flustered it seems. How cute . I smirk and lean in Closer on the table.
"Say cutie , are you sure you don't want to give me a small little blow job?.." I beg with a small smirk and a pout
"Wha- What." She says her head turning to me again she didn't look that flustered anymore.

Through the Dimensions Kenny McCormick x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now