Chapter two

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\this is how I see Kenny at that moment of the story , he pretty much looks homeless/

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\this is how I see Kenny at that moment of the story , he pretty much looks homeless/

(First person)

After the doctor left the room , I stared at the wall , eyes wide. It can't be possible . There's no way I actually teleported . I look down at my hands before pinching my arm. Fuck it hurts . That means it isn't a dream. What the fuck.

This is all Cartman's fault. "This asshole." I mutter as I get up from the bed . I walk to my clothes that were put nicely on a chair. I then changed quickly into my warm parka . Feeling the warmth and peace of something familiar. What about Karen? What is gonna happen to her while I'm here? No wait , I don't even know if I actually changed dimensions. I need to get out and check.

I took walked out the room and walked over to a nurse , glancing at her ass for a few seconds before looking back at her. "Excuse me" I said catching the attention of the woman who was going to walk into a patient's room. The turned around and smiled warmly at me. "Hello , do you need anything?" She asked with a kind smile.

"It might be a weird question but , can you tell me exactly what town I am in?" I asked as she looked at me up and down.

"We are in h/t." She replied suspiciously . Fuck I am nowhere near South Park...
"Uhm, if that's all you need sir I'll go now . The exit is this way." The woman said pointing to the end of the hallway. I nod before walking towards where she pointed. This was all so confusing I didn't know what to do.

When I reached the exit of the hospital, I thought that maybe if I could ask someone a phone I could call Butters! I remember his phone number well and it could help me to know if I actually changed dimensions or something!

I looked around for someone before spotting a man in his 30s sitting outside smoking . So I walked out and to him. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "What do you want kid?" He said nonchalantly before puffing on his cigarette. "Can I use your phone for a few minutes to call someone?" "Uh. Aren't you supposed to have a phone at your age?" The man said suspiciously looking up and down at me. I looked as well , no wonder why people where so suspicious of me , I look like a homeless person.

"I- broke mine in an accident and uh that's why I was in the hospital, but I need to call my mom." I said creating a story , I couldn't just tell him I didn't have money for a phone or he was going to think I was going to steal it from him.

"Alright , just stay there." He said handing me his phone before puffing again on his cigarette.

"Thanks so much." I thanked him taking the phone from him and stepping one or two steps away from him , typing Butters number and holding the phone to my ear .
It ringed for a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Butters?!" I said a with a flicker of hope

"Hello? Who is this?" A unfamiliar feminine voice answered. My heart ached as I heard the voice. Did I actually change dimension...
"Sorry , wrong number..." I said quietly
I hung up and walked back to the man handing him the phone with my head down .

Through the Dimensions Kenny McCormick x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now