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I'm back in the basement where I can suffer in my darkness and think about exactly nothing.  Not about dad and our perfect life before he got sick and not about Izuku and his perfect face, just nothing and exactly nothing.

I slouched on the comfy basement couch and stare at the huge screen across the room fighting my way through a group of villains.

I got to be almost noon when I heard Shota knock on the bathroom door. He doesn't wait for my reply though. He just throws the door wide open flooding the basement with light. "Close the door!" I shouted.

"Oh, forgive me for the interruption," Shota says, he's being sarcastic, of course. "Izuku will be leaving in a few minutes. I thought you might like to come upstairs and do something nice for a change, like saying 'goodbye.'"

"Nah," I said. "Is that all?" I glanced at him as he rolls his eyes and finally leaves.

The moment the door closed, I switched to the surveillance video and find Izuku in the library. But he's not cleaning at all. Instead, he's sitting on one of the red leather chairs near the fireplace and one of dad's books open on his knees and a stack of books-maybe ones that he's already read-on the floor besides him.

I jumped up from the couch, seething as I stomped upstairs and through the kitchen.

"What happened?" Shota says, but I just ignored him and head for the rear hallway. As I swung open the library doors, he jumps up from the chair.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted as I walked across the library's huge floor. I stopped in front of him, grabbed the book he was looking through and slam it down on the pile besides him, sending the tower of books to the floor.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly.

"You're just like your father," I say, I can feel my face getting hot. "You come into our house, into the space that are most precious to my family!" I shouted. "You put your filthy hands on the things that matter most to us." He cowers as I screamed, but I can't stop yelling, I don't even want to stop yelling. "Like you're entitled to everything we have," I say. "But you're not! You couldn't possibly understand what it's like to be us! Because you're nothing! You're worthless!"

And Izuku slapped me. Hard.


Ohh, drama, what do you think will happen next my little flowers? I hope you like this chapter and have a great morning/evening/night.

July 26,2023
441 words

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