To offer a plant

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On one grand celebration night, my grandfather offered me a plant.

Cold event room, people I don't have idea on, people I sit with that I can't be intimate with, and speaker who speaks disgrace that everyone laugh on.

The celebration ends as souvenirs are given. A plant.

Curious me thinks it's a blessing, a money tree in the making? Plants that wishes miracles and desires? Plants that embody growth? Plants that take time? Or plants that will only rot and be a burden?

Buried unconsciousness and blank stares.

'I will tell you what my intentions are as I offer you this plant.'

As I travel to my house, scenarios on my sight.

Frozen on microscope, heart as tight stems, roots that are lifeless.

Tensioned head.

Different energy runs through as I enter my house.

I put the plant where it can grow.

I slept and tomorrow goes on.

'I will tell you what my intentions are as this plants grows.'


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