☆-chapter 4

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As the weeks pass, I cling to Augustine more, but I am only in Maine for one more week, and I don't know what to do once I'm back home.

Early summer mornings were spent with us in twisted bedsheets talking about everything and nothing, and I never needed anything more than that.

I like August. Sometimes I feel like I could fall in love with her, but I can't help but think about Betty. While August is perfect, Betty was mine forever. I threw her away like garbage.

I'm gonna have to go home and face all of this and everyone is gonna hate me. Why do I have to leave?

Every night since I broke up with Betty, I am with August. We have gone to the movies, hung around the mall, went swimming, and enjoyed the rest of summer. I wish I could say after I broke up with Betty she left my mind. That just isn't the case. During most of these activities, she was the one I was thinking about.

Maybe I thought about August too I mean, I do love looking into her green eyes. I love feeling her soft red hair against my hands. I love her beautiful smile and her pearly white teeth that glistened in the light. Maybe I didn't actually think about Betty during all of our dates, but I like to think I did.

Today my family wants us to go out to a nice restaurant. I am going to see if August can come with us. I want her to meet my family before I have to go. I think they would like her.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Good morning sweetie," my mom says, smiling at me. She has always called me names like
Sweetie and honey.

"Good morning mom. I have a question," I take a seat at the island in the middle of the kitchen. „Could I invite someone to dinner with us? I want you to meet her." She turns and gives me a look. "A girl? What happened to Betty?" Her name feels like a stab to the heart. Maybe I do miss her.
"It didn't work out for us. I want you to meet this new girl before we leave."

"You know we are going home this week right? Did you really ruin what you have with Betty for a girl you're going to have to leave and go 8 hours away for? We won't even be back until next summer," she gives me a series of concerning looks. She is right though. I still just can't give up on August yet.

"Will you please meet her tonight?"
"She can come to dinner with us. I just want you to know that you might be making a mistake."
"Thanks, mom," I say and then run up the stairs.

I hop onto my bed and text August, as I'm doing so I get a notification one year ago today... I click on it because I'm curious. It's a picture of me and Betty. One year ago today was the day we started dating. One year ago today my life became perfect because I had her. Whatever. None of that even matters anymore. I have August. I go back to texting her.

August11:23amDo you want to go to dinner with me and my family tonight?

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Do you want to go to dinner with me and my family tonight?

I would love to :))

A few hours pass and we continue talking

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A few hours pass and we continue talking. Talking to her feels like a breath of fresh air.

But eventually, the time comes for us to go to dinner. August pulls up to my driveway. I walk outside to greet her with a hug. She gives the best hugs.

She is dressed nicely. She looks beautiful.
We walk inside. My family is sitting on the couch so we walk over to them. "This is
August," they all get up to greet her.

My mom hugs her and my dad shakes her hand. They make small talk for a minute and then we decide we should go to dinner.
We go to a place called The Pizza Shop. I hear have really good Italian food. I ordered a pizza for me and August to share. My mom gets a salad and my dad gets pasta.

As we wait for our food my mom starts talking away and eventually brings up our leaving. I didn't tell August this yet.

"So what are you guys going to do once we leave next week?" She blabs away. August just looks at her with a confused smile.
"Where are you guys going?" August asks.
"Home, back to New York," she gives me a confused look, "You did tell her we are leaving right?" She asks me.

Augustine turns to me and stares dead into my eyes, "what do you mean you're leaving?
Like forever?" I just sit there with a blank expression on my face. My mom finally says something,

"Sweetie I'm so sorry but school is about to start back up, we have to go home."
"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom," August gets up with tears running down her face.
"Wait!" I run after her and try to grab her wrist. She whips around.

"How could you not tell me you were leaving? I have spent all summer with you and now you're just leaving? I knew you were gonna go back at some point but seriously? You didn't have the decency to tell me?"

"I'm sorry, okay? I am sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. I just didn't want this summer to end. I love being with you. I love you." I realize what I just said but it's too late.

The tears in her eyes seem to stop, "you love me?"
I grab her hand, "I do love you. I don't want to leave you but I don't have a choice."
"I love you too, but you still should have told me and I am still angry." She pulls me in for a hug.

She goes to the bathroom to clean up her tear-stained face. I walk back to the table and my parents start to talk to me.

"How did she not know we are leaving? How could you not tell her?" My mom has always had a thing for my girlfriends. She likes to take their side.

"I was waiting for the right time to tell her." "I cannot believe you." I don't say anything. They can think what they want. A few minutes later August comes over. "I'm so sorry about that sweetie, I had no Idea she didn't know." "That's okay, thank you for telling me," I see the waiter approaching with our food and we eat in silence.

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