☆-chapter 6

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The next week flies by. I spend every second I can right by August's side. The moment finally comes, and I have to go home. I am really scared to go back. I haven't talked to anyone from home all summer. I also don't want to leave Maine, I love it here. Maybe I will end up coming back next summer.

It's a nice Saturday morning and we start to load the car. There are a lot of things we have to try and shove into two vehicles. A third car pulls up to the driveway. It's August. She runs out of her car and runs up to me and hugs me. She looks like she has been crying all morning.
"Hi, Aug are you okay?" I say with a gentle voice as I hold her soft hands.
"No I'm not okay, I'm really gonna miss you," tears swell in her eyes as she looks into mine.
"I love you August," my heart hurts for her. It hurts for me. It hurts for all that we had this summer.
"I love you too," I pull her in close to me and we walk inside to start loading the car.
As we drag bags out of the house we cling to each other. We don't leave each other's side.
Eventually, the last bag hits the car and it's time to go.
Her eyes flow like a river. "We are gonna be okay," I try to reassure her but I know it's a lie. My mom starts calling for me again. I'm getting Deja vu of when I had to leave Betty. She hugs me even tighter, "I can just go with you."
"I'm sorry, Aug, I need to go, but I'll be back for you someday." I kiss the top of her head and pull out of the hug. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. I am going to miss you more than anything."
"Thanks for making this a summer to remember," I let go of her and head to the car. I can finally see a clear picture of her face, her mascara has now run down her face, and she has more tears falling from her eyes.
"Always," I jump in the car and watch her. I don't wanna take my eyes off her. I may not see her for another year. I have to be strong for her, for us.


It's the first day of my senior year. I hold such confidence that no one can break. Not even
James, but I'm pretty sure he is still in Maine. I don't know and I don't care to find out. I have been doing so much better over these past few weeks. I am so much happier than I was when he broke up with me. I think this breakup was the best. Although it may have broken me I was able to put myself back together.
I walk into my homeroom class and there he stands. He's wearing a green t-shirt and Levis jeans. He looks right at me and stares me down. What is happening? I dart out of the room. I can't cry. I won't cry. I feel the tears rush to my eyes, I will cry.
I run into the bathroom and try to keep myself composed. Why is he here? Why has he put me through this? He chased two girls, and he lost one. Me. He chose to lose me the second he had anything to do with another girl.
I can calm myself down a bit, and I walk to the office. I am not having a class with him thankfully the people in the office love me, "Hi, Mrs. Johnson, could I get my homeroom changed, please?"
"Sure sweetie, how was your summer?" She starts typing on her computer.
"It was pretty great," that's a lie, but I'm not gonna admit that it was terrible because certain parts were great, like getting to hang out with Inez as much as I wanted.
"Your new homeroom teacher is Mr. Wilson." "Thank you!" I walk out of the office and to Mr. Wilson's room. I make it obvious to walk passed my old homeroom and make James see that I want nothing to do with him. I'm so thankful to have Mr. Wilson now as my teacher because Inez also has this homeroom. I tell her everything that just happened. She is astonished. The bell rings, and class starts. All of the boring first-day-of-school rules are put in place.
We are dismissed to lunch at some point during this. I get a feeling he is going to have the same lunch. I walked into the lunchroom, and I was correct. Fantastic. I don't look in his direction any longer than I have to, and I take my seat next to Inez. I try to focus on the conversation instead of looking around for him.
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I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see James. My facial expression switches instantly. I feel a pit in my stomach. I could throw up right now.
"Can we talk?" He did not just say this to me.
"No." I turn back around and continue talking at my lunch table.
"Please Betty, I need to talk to you," he has this sad but angry look in his eye
"Fine," I start to get up and turn around to my table, "I'll be back in under five minutes,
That's all he gets, five minutes. We walk over to a random hallway in the school. He hasn't said anything else. "You wanted to talk, so talk."
"I am so sorry for everything I have put you through."
I stare blankly at him. Sorry? That's all he has to say for throwing our relationship down the drain for some summer fling?
"You cheated on me and now you're trying to tell me you're sorry?"
"What? Cheated on you? Who told you that?" His tone changes, he doesn't hold sadness anymore he is just angry.
"Inez showed me your stupid Instagram stories."
"You just heard rumors from Inez! You can't believe a word she says! She always makes up lies!"
"I think my five minutes are up," they most definitely aren't but please get me out of this situation. I start to walk away and he grabs my hand. I get butterflies in my stomach. I break my hand away and keep walking.
"Most of the time you can't believe what she says but this time... It was true, and I am so sorry. You did not deserve that." I have tears pouring down my face again. "Leave me alone."

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