☆-chapter 7

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Since I got back from Maine, Betty is all I think about. The whole flight home, the whole school day, and every day before that. Not being around August made me think about her more and made me see clearly. I missed her. I missed her so much. I thought my life was better without her, but now I'm questioning that.

I may love August too, but I do still love Betty. I don't know how to make all of these feelings go away, and I don't know how to solve this fiasco I caused over the summer.

I talked to August the first day I got back and then stopped texting her altogether. I wish I could forget about both of them. Their lives would probably be easier if I did so.

I tried to talk to Betty. I just wanted to make things right but that didn't go so well. She doesn't want anything to do with me. She made that clear. I am not gonna give up on her though.
I did once and I don't want to do that again. I could keep talking to August but I'm not gonna see her for a year so it feels pointless.

Over the next week, I didn't talk to Betty. I give her the space she needs. I won't make assumptions about why she switched her homeroom but I think it's because of me. I saw her walk in and out on the first day. I'm guessing she saw me and went to switch. I wish I could run up to her and hug her.

My friend walked up to me at lunch, "I hear that your old girl is throwing a party on Saturday, do you wanna go?"

She's throwing a party. I shouldn't go right? But if I showed up at her party, what would she do?Would she tell me to go fuck myself? But what if maybe she would lead me in the garden and let me talk, let me tell her how it was just a summer thing? I don't know if I should do that. I don't know anything but that I miss her. The only thing I wanna do is make it up to her. "Yes, I do want to go, I need to see her." He does our handshake and walks away.

The week goes by so slowly. I continue to not talk to her or to August. Although I see her texting me, I never respond. I can't go long distance. I have learned I'm pretty terrible at it. I just end up giving up for some reason. I can't stop thinking about either of them.

I love them both but I need to be with my Betty right now. Friday night comes so slowly, and I still have a day left until I can see her. I need the perfect outfit to wear, something that will wow her and make her want to talk to me.

I dig through my closet until it feels like I have reached the pits of the earth. I found an old cardigan I forgot I had, it used to be my favorite one. It is still in good condition too. I will
Try it on. It still fits. I have grown a little bit since I last wore it but I am going to wear it for the party. I style it with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of dark blue jeans.

This is the outfit that's going to make her fall in love all over again. Probably not but I can dream.
Although it's only 8 pm I still go to sleep. Tomorrow can't come any sooner.

I dream of Betty and August. It turns into a nightmare. They both chase after me screaming wanting to hurt me because I hurt them. I woke up covered in a cold sweat at 10 am.

How did I sleep for so long while enduring that? It makes me scared to go tonight. I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't want to see me. I can't let that stop me though. I have to do this.

The day goes by so slowly. Even slower than the whole week did. I try to get my mind off of tonight by doing many different little things. I went out on my skateboard and passed her house. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I sat down on the curb next to her house to try to catch my breath. I walked home after that and took a nap.

Eventually, the time comes. I have to get ready and leave. I threw on the outfit I had planned out. As I'm tying my shoes I'm shaking so much I almost can't tie them. I walk out of the door and down the street. I hear music and see light coming from her house. A group of people stands outside on her lawn.

I never pictured Betty as a party animal, she had never been interested in this before. She had always been so quiet, almost as if she was a side character even to herself.

The group of people outside her house stare at me. I am determined to see her. I walk up to the house. I cautiously walk inside and music suffocates my ears. I wander the halls of the house looking for her. After what felt like hours of wandering I spotted her.

She was dancing with another guy across the room. I stand there probably with my mouth hanging open. I don't know. I can't feel anything. This is karma but it makes me so sad.

I have to walk away so I walk outside to her garden. She has a beautiful garden behind her house full of daisies, tulips, sunflowers, etc. I take a seat on the bench in the middle of the
flower field. I don't know how much time passes but I just sit there and listen to the music in the background, the people yelling, and nature.

I see a shadow appear in front of me. I hoped no one would find me out here. It's her. It's Betty.

"Someone told me you were out here. What are you doing here? What are you doing in my Garden?!" She practically yells in my face. "I hate the crowds, you know that. I came to try to make things right again. I am sorry Betty."

"You crashed my party to tell me you were sorry?" She starts to walk away but I grab her hand. "Please listen to me Betty, I really need to talk to you," I led her to the bench to sit down,
"It was just a summer thing. I promise. If you give me another chance it will never happen again. I don't know anything but I do know that I miss you. I miss having you around. I miss the way your smile lit up the room. I miss your beautiful laugh. I miss you,"

she looks like she's about to go to speak but nothing comes out of her mouth. "This is the worst thing I have ever done. I can't believe I hurt you so much. I was thinking about you when she pulled into my driveway and I didn't know what to do so I went with her, but then it started happening every day and although I was with her I dreamt of you all summer long. I'm so sorry I hurt you."

I look into her eyes. I am trying to read what she's thinking but I honestly have no clue. I wish she would say something, anything.

A second later she pulls me into a hug. She pulls me into a hug. I am hugging her. Does this mean she forgives me? "I don't think what you did was right, it was a mistake. I can tell how sorry you are though because you never admit when you're wrong,"

she smiles at me. I missed her pearly white teeth and her brown eyes that shimmered under the sunlight. "You are absolutely right. What I did was terrible. I promise you though, I never want to hurt you again." I pull her in for another hug. I wish this hug lasted forever. "I love you, Betty, I never stopped." "I love you too James, I didn't stop either. I am so glad you're here now."
"Me too"

It's silent for a moment and then she grabs my hand. "Come on! We have a party to be at!" We run inside and a slow-dancing song starts playing. We slow dance together. This night is everything I could have ever dreamed of and better. I can't believe I ever chose to miss out on having this.


As James and I slowly dance, he pulls me in for a kiss. Inez looks over at me and Gives me a look. I don't care, I have my James back. I am the happiest girl alive.

I knew he would come back to me. Everything always felt off about how we ended and here we are, starting a new beginning together. I cannot be more thankful to have him back.

After our slow dance, a fast-paced song comes on and we start jumping around. I grab
Inez and we go steal some punch and bring some back for James and Carter. I missed this group of 4. I did not enjoy third-wheeling all summer.

After an hour the party ends and mostly everyone leaves. Everyone except my beautiful James. He walks up to me and kisses the top of my head. He pulls out his phone and we take a picture together and he puts it on his story.

We are back and I want the world to know. As much as I would like to be mad at Augustine I can't be. She didn't do anything, the boy I'm in love with did. It's not her fault I'm sure she's a great girl but I wish it had never happened in the first place.

I go flop down on the couch and James sits next to me. We both end up falling asleep because we are so tired. It reminds me of how we used to be and that makes me happier than ever. I'm never going to let him get away again.

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