The Green Room

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May, 1997

After all these years, these two crazy kids finally figured it all out, Stevie thought to herself as she glanced at herself in the mirror. She pulled her flowing top up to get a peek at her stomach to see if there were any changes yet. Nothing yet, she was still as petite as ever and no one would know she was pregnant yet.

She hears footsteps and quickly pulls her shirt back down. "Hey there, pretty lady. You ready to go soon? We gotta be there at 11:00 sharp!" Lindsey wrapped himself around Stevie as he tried to usher her out of their California home to get to the studio on time. They were beginning to film a new concert movie that Mick decided would be so "lucrative" for the band, because VHS tapes were the new frontier! 

Stevie and Lindsey never really stopped seeing each other during all these years. Even when they were having flings with other people, they would always end up in each other's beds. This time though, it was different. It was always the right people, wrong time, but now, everything was perfect. This time, everything would work out. 

"Alright, I'm ready. We both know I'll have an army of people on me once we get to the studio to figure whatever is happening with my hair out," Stevie took one last glance in the mirror before turning around to give Lindsey a quick peck and head out. "Hey, you're not the only one who has to figure their hair out!" Lindsey chuckles, "This is being recorded for posterity! Our grandkids will see this one day! I gotta look good too!" "You always look good, honey," Stevie smiles at him and her heart beats a bit faster at the mention of grandkids. 

"Well, well, well, look who it is! And only an hour...wait..." Mick glances at his watch, "you're on time?! How did you pull this off, mate?" he asks Lindsey in a cheeky voice. "I told her we needed to be here at 11!" Stevie playfully punches Lindsey's arm. "Hey!" she laughs, "I could have had more time to sleep!" "I think you've had plenty!" Lindsey answers and laughs. It's more of a nervous laugh, though. He knows he should tell her, but he's afraid to do it. He knows it'll mess everything up. 

As the couple makes their way into their green room, they pass Christine. "Wow, has hell frozen over??" she asks. "Haha, very funny, Chrissy! I'll have you know that this man lied to me to get us here on time! How could he?!" Stevie grabs her heart in an ever dramatic fashion. Lindsey gulps quietly. "Well, it's nice to see you two! Don't get too comfy in there, we have a show to do! I'll see you in a bit." Christine gives Stevie a quick kiss on the cheek as they part. 

"You know what this reminds me of?" Stevie asks as she looks around the green room. "It reminds me of our pre-show rituals during Tusk." She gives him a playful smirk. "Hmmm, now that you mention it, it does take me back to those days!" Lindsey responds and takes a step closer. The pair drifts closer together and share a deep kiss. As much as he wants to continue this, Lindsey feels sick to his stomach.

"Wait, babe, stop..." Lindsey pulls away. "What's wrong?" Stevie asks with worry in her eyes. 

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