The Truth

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Lindsey takes a step back because if she keeps holding onto him, he knows he will never be able to tell her. 

"Do you remember, uh, a few months ago, before we really got together? Like officially?" Lindsey asked quietly. "You're scaring me." Stevie looks down and plays with her hangnails. 

Lindsey takes a sharp breath in but can't bring himself to tell her. A tear rolls down his face and his hands start sweating. "I didn't think it would happen." He mumbles out the words since he can't bear to say it out loud. 

"You didn't think what would happen?" Stevie asks with fear in her voice. Lindsey looks away. "Lindsey Adams, you didn't think what would happen?" she says a second time, this time louder.

"Do you remember that girl Kelly? Well, she's..."

"Don't say it." Her eyes start to well up with tears. Stevie knew something would eventually go wrong like it has so many times before. "Please, don't say it Lindsey. I'm begging you."

"I'm so, I'm so sorry." He answers, his face full of shame.

"When?" Stevie looks at him.

"I guess it was in April," he says. "April? Lindsey, we were together in April." In that moment, Stevie looked like the teenage girl that Lindsey first met. She looked so fragile and it was all his fault. Stevie looked up at Lindsey with a face he's never quite seen before. 

At first, she felt sadness, but it was quickly turning into anger. After all these years, he would do this to me? Like a crucible, her emotions were bubbling up onto the surface and she was about to explode.

"I can't even look at you right now, how could you do this to me? After all these years when we finally figure our shit out?"Stevie feels like the room is closing in on itself. "You need to leave." She shoots daggers through Lindsey's eyes, and all he could do is hang his head and take slow steps out of the dressing room. He knows that he should have waited until after the show to break the news that Kelly was pregnant.

 When he saw Kelly that last night, he didn't think he was cheating on Stevie. In his mind, the pair were not officially together, so he figured he would have one last night of freedom. Little did Lindsey know that he would be having 2 babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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