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E P I S O D E  3 6 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - s i x  :  M Y  B O Y

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E P I S O D E  3 6 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - s i x  :  M Y  B O Y

the blue - eyed male feels lighter. like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders and chest.

after two days of examination and medication, he's finally out of the hospital. takemichi and chiyo are currently driving back to their house.

chiyo told the blond that the trio was suddenly called and ordered by their grandfather to come back to the apartment they were staying in yokohama so that the blond wouldn't be surprised of their sudden absence from the house.

at first, takemichi was upset. proven by his sudden silence during half of the ride. but chiyo immediately assured him that they will come back.

it lifted his mood immensely. that's just how easy to make takemichi happy, chiyo had said to herself mentally. "so stop making that sad face again." chiyo says lazily, eyes focused on the road.

she could feel those azure eyes looking at her but she only brushed it off. takemichi was softly smiling, something chiyo can sense but can't exactly see.

the blond only nodded at what his grandmother said, turning away to watch the outside world behind the dark tinted window of chiyo's car.

as time pass by, he realized something that made him to confusedly look at the road they're taking. "grandma, where are we going? our neighborhood's that way?"

"mansaku called me. he's the only person i told your incident about and he's been wanting to see you." chiyo glanced at the boy. "i trust him. and he promised to not tell anyone."

she felt a wave of relief when she saw the boy smiling tenderly. "i should make up an excuse then! if i told lolo about izana, he'll scold him for sure." the boy laughed joyously. sincerely, this time.

"mansaku will understand. he may appear harsh and tough but it's just his way of showing that he can still protect his grandchildren." chiyo says, a sad smile appearing on her exhausted face.

they drove down the road towards the countryside of japan, in either pure silence or occasional and casual chats. chiyo prevented the boy from talking about or even mentioning a single name of those tōman kids. he must like them so much.

chifuyu's mother is very kind. and chiyo's not really the type to make friends except for mansaku since the grandpa's been her partner since they were in middle school and in their hoodlum phase.

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