~Chapter 1

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*Sexual content*

At exactly four in the morning, Maya arrived in Kildare with her parents at her new home. How long she'd be staying there, she didn't know. But she was excited to take on yet another state and see just how long she could stand to be there. It was a game that she'd been playing all her life. How long would it take until she got bored and had to move to another state?

At five, after unloading the U-Haul, Maya said her goodbyes to her parents and went straight to her new bedroom. She was exhausted, even though she slept the entire night before and the whole plane ride. She didn't care that she had no sheets on her bed or even a pillow, she just found her throw blanket and went straight to sleep. 

She didn't dream, just drifted off into a deep sleep. At one, Maya woke up feeling starving and excited to explore her new home. 

The move was, like always, sudden and rushed. But Maya was used to it. She had been moving around the country all her life. In a weird way, she felt like she was made for this lifestyle. She loved it, actually. Her dad, Thomas, is a U.S marine general and had been ever since he turned eighteen and graduated high school. 

With his work came the moving around and unstable lifestyle. But Maya never wished for any other life, because she got bored easily and liked the change of scenery. 

Maya's mother was a fashion designer from New York. Typical, Maya always thought. Her father was from New Jersey, and the two had crossed paths one day at a shop when Thomas was visiting family in Brooklyn. It was love at first sight, and they fell in love immediately. Her parents got married at twenty and had Maya when they were both twenty-three. Maya didn't have any siblings, which she was thankful for. She loved growing up as an only child. She didn't need a brother or sister to annoy her all the time. 

Instead, she interacted with strangers. She was always an extrovert, who loved to go to parties and be the center of attention whether she snuck out and went to one or got permission from her parents.

Maya's parents were amazing, even though she found them annoying when their favorite thing to do at the dinner table was to ask her when she'd find a long-term boyfriend to settle down and have kids with. But other than that, they were pretty chill with her going out and doing whatever she wanted, as long as she was safe. 

Maya did have plenty of boyfriends in the past. Her parents only met a few, though. They were more sad than she was when she'd break up with them. Maya got into relationships just for the hell of it. It sounded bad; she knew that. But when you're constantly moving around the country you learn to not get too attached to anybody. She knew as soon as she got into a relationship that it wouldn't last very long, and she was okay with that. Maya didn't like to be tied down anyway. 

Maya said good morning to her parents, who were busy on their laptops probably already worrying about work. If there was one thing about always moving, it was that the first few days always felt so slow. Her parents were making sure everything was set up and that work was going well and didn't have much time to spend with her. It wasn't like she needed her parents to only focus on her, it just felt off. And she didn't know how soon her dad would be deployed again, or how long he'd be gone. She once went ten months without seeing her father. 

But there was still an upside to her parents being too busy to pay any attention to Maya. It was easier to sneak out at night. Sure, she knew that if she just asked her parents if she could go to a party they'd probably say yes. Her parents loved that she was willing to meet new people. But Maya loved the thrill of feeling like she was rebelling by slipping out in the middle of the night.

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