Chapter 3

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"You want some?" He asks playfully, a grin spread across his face. He knew that Maya would decline. He thought she would, at least. 

"You're offering?" She looks back up to Rafe's blue eyes with a matching smirk. He was taken aback and couldn't tell if she was just playing a joke on him or if she was serious.

"Yeah?" His smile fades and is replaced with a confused frown. 

Maya shrugs. "Wouldn't be my first time. I've been looking for a fix anyway."

Rafe's eyebrows lift up in surprise, but Maya's face remains serious, and he decides to open the little bag in his hand. 

He reaches for a little tray in his pocket and lines up the white powder before inhaling all of it while Maya watches, unamused. 

Rafe turns to Maya and hands her the tray. She smiles to herself at the thought of this boy carrying a tray on standby to do his drugs. "You come prepared, don't you?" She giggles.

"Not always." He smiles bashfully and pours the powder onto the tray in her hands and waits for her to line it up as best as she can. Maya leans forward, and in one solid movement the powder disappears from the tray as she inhales it. 

Rafe watches in shock. A part of him thought she wouldn't follow through with her actions, but it was clear to him that it really wasn't her first time doing this. 

She sets the tray down onto the sand and leans back on her hands, closing her eyes as she waits for the effects to take over. Rafe watches her out of the corner of his eye, and picks the tray up to do another line. 

Maya finally opens her eyes when she can feel the familiar euphoric experience take over her body. The rush of energy and excitement was enough to make her want to experience more, and she took the tray from Rafe and mirrored their previous movements. 

Rafe was intrigued, more than he thought he should've been. Of course, he knew people that indulged in the same hobby as he did. But not one of them was female. All of the girls he met would rather him do cocaine off of their bodies instead of doing it themselves. They cared too much; they were scared to try it. But here Maya was, doing it with him. The new girl wasn't as uptight as the locals were, and it was refreshing. 

Maya wasn't an addict. At least she wouldn't classify herself as one. She did drugs, occasionally. She liked them a lot. But she didn't rely on them to make herself feel good. She was introduced to weed at a young age, at a party. Where else would you find drugs at fifteen? After she began to indulge in the activity, some old friends introduced her to cocaine. And she liked it. Because the high was completely different than weed. Instead of feeling calm, coke made her feel energetic. It made her feel like getting up and dancing, like running into the ocean, because why the hell not? So she liked to do it, sometimes. But she didn't need to do a line to be able to go on with her day, and she was thankful for that. Because she knew that most people became a different person once they experienced a drug like this. 

"What do you think, new girl?" Rafe asks with a smile. He stuffs the bag and tray back into his pocket and studies Maya's face as she leans back on the sand and looks out over the ocean.

"Not bad." She responds, turning to the boy beside her. 

"Where do you get your stuff from?"

"I got a guy." Rafe runs his fingers through the sand underneath him, letting it filter through his fingers.

"So you're a Kook, then?" 

Maya looks at Rafe with confusion. "What the hell is that?" She figured it was a local thing, either that or he was calling her crazy.

until i found u | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now