Chapter 2

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"Maya, wake up!" 

Maya's father was trying his best to wake his daughter up nicely, but he had already come in her room three times this morning to wake her up. He could feel the angry army general coming out the more he had to shake his daughter awake.

It was only nine, and Maya was out cold. "Maya, you need to get up and help around the house." Her father repeated, a little sweeter than before. Of course, he had a soft spot for his only little girl. And she knew that.

"Why do you guys need help?" Maya turned onto her side and tried to cuddle into the blanket further. 

Maya's father sighed. "Your mom wants to make breakfast, and she needs help unpacking all of the kitchen items." He explains.

"Can't we just like, order something?" Maya protested. She fell asleep sometime around three-thirty this morning, and was exhausted. Her parents, of course, didn't know about her late night antics. While they slept, their daughter was off at a party getting drunk and having sex with someone she'd just met. 

Thomas shook her when she softly started snoring again. 

"Please, dad. Just give me another hour." She pouted, hoping her sad eyes would work. 

"Your mom is going to kill me if I don't get you up. Just splash some water on your face and come downstairs, alright?" He stood from the side of her bed and placed a kiss on her forehead, offering an apologetic smile as he left Maya's bedroom. 

Maya wished she could just go back to sleep, but she was certain the next time her father came to wake her up it wouldn't be as nice. Her mother would probably get angry at him for his failed attempt, and everyone would be put in a bad mood. So, she just got up and quickly got ready for the morning even though she was exhausted and desperate to lay back in bed.

Maya's mother was exaggerating. All they had to unpack was kitchen utensils, which was probably the easiest thing in the house to unpack. Before they knew it, their new kitchen was set up and they were sitting at the table eating breakfast. 

"How are you liking the Outer Banks so far?" Alice, Maya's mom, asked. Maya was trying to mind her own business as her parents had their own conversation while she scrolled on her phone, but she knew that they'd talk to her eventually.

"It's alright so far. It's only been one day." She replies through a bite of food. 

"That's good. We might be here a while. I think this is a nice place to settle down, don't you think?" Her mom responds, looking at Thomas for reassurance.

"That's what you said about Austin. And Washington. And Nevada, and—"

"—Alright, sassy. We get it." Her father laughs playfully.

Maya might've been coming across as bitter, but she was just trying to prove a point. In reality, she knew that in a few months the family would be going somewhere else for her father's work, and she was perfectly fine with that. 

"I should get out of here soon. I have some errands to run." Maya's father stands with his plate and takes it to the kitchen, then kisses his wife and daughter and leaves their house. Maya wasn't exactly sure what kind of errands her dad had to run. Maybe it was just an excuse for him to not have to stay back and unpack. If that were the case, Maya really wished her dad had taken her along with him. 

"I'm going to need your help with some social media posts. And I'm going to need you to model some of my pieces so we can post them." Alice says as the pair finishes their food in silence.

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