Part 4

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The next morning, Lizzie awoke with Lily standing at her bedside holding a tray of their breakfast.

"Aww! Your so sweet!" Lizzie said as she sat up in bed. Lily then set down the tray on Lizzie's night stand and sat down on Lizzie's bed.

"Of course! Thought you love this! " Lily replied as she ate her hard boiled egg. Lizzie got the plate that had her toast and started to eat it.

"So today seems like a good day to do mischievous things." Lily said grinning.

"Oooh yeah!" Lizzie grinned.

"Well then it shall be a day of fun and pranks! It shall start very soon. I have traps laid all out." Lily told her.

"Perfect. Let us finish and we shall get to pranking!" Lizzie said. After thirty minutes they finished and were ready for the day. They looked like identical twins but Lily was taller. They went to the first prank site and that was in a hanger and went to work. Lily and Lizzie mixed a realistic paint called that was suppose to look like real acid. Their target.... Hound. Once finished mixing, they attached a rope to the big pale and lizzie hosted it up high in the entryway. The plan was Lily was going to cut the rope while Lizzie talked with him. Once the trap was set and ready they both looked at each other and grinned evilly. They both got into position.

"Hound!! Can you come in here please?" Lizzie called. Hound came lumbering in a few moments later.

"What's up? Got a pesky rat?" he gruffed. Lizzie shook her head.

"Noo... I was thinking... target practice." Lizzie made three big targets appear at the end of the room.

"I'll go first." Lizzie's eyes and hands glowed and she swirled her hands with blue flame and launched a giant fireball and it hit dead center on the target on the far left target. Hound scoffed.

"You call that blast? Watch and learn kid." Hound powered up his machine gun and multiple bullets were launched and many hit the target on the far right.

"Impressive. But not as good as this!" She made a flame bow and arrow appear and aimed for the target in the middle. Once she fired and once the flame hit the center of the target, Lily cut the line and the pail dropped. The 'acid' hit Hound and he jumped back.

"I'm hit! I'm down! It burns! Aaaaaah! Waaait a sec." he opened his eyes and looked at the 'acid.' "This is paint! Lizzie!" Lizzie then grabbed Lily's hand and they both ran out with Hound behind them. Lily and Lizzie ran faster and made a sharp turn and hid inside the airplane hanger. Lizzie quickly shut the door and Hound ran right past them. They burst out laughing once they knew he was far away.

"Hahaha! That was perfect!" Lizzie said giggling.

"Bullseyes!" Lily said as she held her sides as she laughed.

"So what's next?" Lizzie asked. Lily smiled.

"Well the next prank is simple. I planned to do it here in this bunker." Lizzie smiled and made flashlights appear. Apparently Lily had found Lizzie's old voice changers and her plan was called, "voice ghost.' Lizzie knew exactly what to do. They got to work of fixing the machines and soon was finished. They turned on the devices, turned the volume down, quietly tested out the voices and they worked amazingly. They put the machines under their shirts and clasped the clip to the back of their pants. They nodded and turned up the volume and counted down and they started.

"I say we run away!" Lizzie said in Octavia's voice.

"Shh! Keep it down! He might hear you!" Lily said in Bee's voice.

"So what? He needs to know what I think of him!" Lizzie said giggling quietly.

"Your out of your mind if you think you can go up against him!" Lily said. From outside Optimus heard them bickering and slowly walked towards the bunker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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