Funny feeling

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Kaden is a pretty popular guy. He has tons of friends, a social media following, and the most gorgeous green eyes you'd ever seen. He had tons of girls clinging to his every move and asking him out every day but he never seemed to be interested. Which was always peculiar.

"Yeah, I totally failed that test in Mr. Nickels class." said Kaden's best friend Sam. Kaden looks at his curly haired friend.

"Bro you're fine, chill. " Kaden says in response.

"Well that's easy for you to say. You ace almost every test we take!" Sam says in an almost  annoyed tone

"Sam, I don't ace EVERY test I take."

"You do!"

"I don't!" Kaden says almost shouting. "All you need to do is study more next time."


"James, I already told you I don't want to go to The Pink Place. The Pink Place is a place for people who don't care about their grades or people who would rather curl their hair and go shopping than stay home and read a book or watch a movie even!" Says a a very annoyed Camryn

"Cam, look, I know this is out of you comfort zone but please just go, for me? It'll be fun!"  Responds a very prescient

Camryn is the quiet type. She prefers reading over going out and binge watching her favorite movies over social media.

"C'mon Cam, please?" James, her best friend, pleads for the millionth time.

"Fine. I'll think about it." She reluctantly responds

"YAY! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"What was that?" Kaden asks looking around.

Sam looks and sees an excited James practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"What's wrong the hell is with them?" asks Sam

Kaden looks at them. Almost instantly that feeling emerges. It as if something awakens inside of him. It's weird he only feels like this when his look at them. It's never just Camryn alone or James alone it always the strongest when he sees both of them.

Kaden had been feeling this way for months every time he'd see them he'd get this warm feeling and it's make his whole day. That feeling made him want to be... better. He had overheard Camryn say about how popular kids only care about themselves and only want to cheat their way through high school and party.

It made him want to... change. He started studying more and partying less his grade improved he went from a 73 to a 97 he started caring about life itself more. He learned to appreciate the little things through time as well he and his mom's relationship had gotten so much better and his feelings towards them had gotten stronger.

Kaden,without realizing, starts making his way over to James and Camryn.

"Hey!? Wha-where are you going?!" a confused Sam asks while, at the same time, rushing to keep up with Kaden.

Kaden is now in front of the two friends, but he isn't saying anything he's just standing there trying to savor that warm feeling.

Camryn, James, and Sam are all standing there with Kaden confused.

"Uhh...hi?" Camryn says breaking the silence.

"Oh! Hey, you go to The Pink Place a lot right?" James asks still determined to get Camryn to go there with him.

Kaden, still soaking in that warm feeling, doesn't respond.

"Uhh..yea I guess you can say that." Sam says in place of his friend's silence.

"It's fun right? Like if we went we would have a good time?"

"Uhh yeah? I guess."

"Hey." Kaden says finally.

"...Hi." Camryn and James say in unison

"You guys wanna hang out. After school." Kaden asks although he's not sure why.

He's never talked to Camryn or James before. He wonders how he suddenly gotten the courage to do this.

"Um...sure?" Camryn replies. She thinks she's being pranked.

"Yeah! Totally about we meet you at The Pink Place after school? How's 4?"
James asks.

Camryn scoffs.

"Four's good. You're coming too right?" Kaden asks Camryn.

"Um...I might? I'll have to see if my mom lets me"

"I guess we'll see you guys later I have a meeting. Cmon Kaden." Sam says.

"Okay see you." Kaden says soaking in that feeling one last time.

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