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Kyle's point of view

I ran all the way home and all the way up stairs to my room and through myself onto the bed... I felt tears roll down my cheeks... maybe I could talk to Stan about this... NO! He will only try to break us up.

I took out my I phone and called Kenny.
"Mm hello, who is this?" Kenny asked
"It's Kyle listen man I screwed up." I said almost in tears
"Well umm I'll be over in 15." he said and hung up the phone.

Well at least now I have some one to talk to... about my emotions . About 15 minutes later Kenny showed up in his Mustang, after Kenny turned about 15 he got signed up with a TV show called 'dude that looks painful' the tv show was basically where Kenny dose a whole load of random things that as the shows title states look painful. The show took off and so that scored him a lot of money for him and then decided that he was going to stay in South Park regardless of all of his money.

"Kyle!" The blonde haired boy yelled at me!.
"Kenny!" I yelled
"Kyle I haven't seen you forever!"
"Me too!" I said "Come in, I've got playboys..." I said teasing him.
"Oh my gawd dude" Kenny said punching my arm playful.

Once inside I walked over to the kitchen and started making some cookies... toll house cookies, Cartman's favorite I haven't been the same ever since the instant with Stan GODDAMN IT STAN why couldn't you leave me alone and let me a Eric love each other. I looked up and saw that Kenny sat down and took of his hood.

"Kenny," I said putting my cookies in the oven. "we and Eric where in a relationship and some broke us up what do I do!" I said
"Well I think you need yo forgive and forget about it I mean you and Eric really love each other don't you?"
"Yes but I don't-"
"Just to what you're heart tells you okay?" Kenny said.

Just then the cookie timer went off, I went up and got us some cookies.

"Kenny want some cookies?" I called out
"Yeah!" He said. "Kyle, can you keep a secret?" Kenny said
"Yes I can always keep a secret." I said smiling. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

After a long silence Kenny finally spoke, his lips quivering.

"I'm Bie-sexual..." He said his voice trailing off.
"And, is that it? I thought you were going to say something along the lines of you have STDS or something" I said " I'm happy for you ."
"You understand? YOU UNDERSTAND! Thank you so much!" He said smiling.

Just then his phone rang. And he started to talk on it.,.

" Kyle, I'm sorry I have to go..."
"Well I see you later!" I said waving good bye...

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