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"Ugh!!! Cartman what the hell do you want, can't you see that me and Kyle me making out." Stan yelled
"Ummmm Stan." I said in a meek voice... What have I done! First it's Eric and now Stan, what the hell is wrong with me!!!!
"What Kyle?!" He yelled back at me.
" Me and Cartman are dating...."
"HERE THAT STAN!" Eric yelled his voice booming like thunder.

I started to get up and then Stan grabbed at my legs and I fell.
"Ow Stan what the hell!"
" Please don't leave me alone Kyle!" Stan yelled to me so much pain in his voice...

I felt something run past me and knock Stan into the water. I looked and say Cartman running at he grabbed me a ran back to his car. I sat in the passenger seat and looked down at my logging boots.
"Kyle what the hell?" He asked.
"What do you mean? You're not mad at me?"
"Well, I am slightly annoyed with you put I'll live on"
"Oh" I said softly.

I flicked on the radio and found 92.7 the Wolf. The Wolf was South Park's only classic rock station. Its out of Denver which is only an hour drive from the town. I must say that I have been thinking about school and I thought I must move to Denver. I listened to the radio and it was playing The Final Cut. That song always made me sad when I listened to;in-fact, it made me sad right now. I looked out the window... the I saw something running along side the car. It had jet black fur and a long tail. I heard a gun shot and saw the thing fall to the ground!

"E..ric stop the car now"
"What? Okay..." he stopped the car and I poked ran out into the road. I examined the hairy beast and saw that it had been shot in its leg, I was no way that it would be able to live on it's own I felt sympathy for it so I put my fist to its nose so that it could sniff it. Creature started to lick my knuckles and push it nose on my hand. I scooped up the animal and brought it back to the car.
"Kyle what is that thing?" Cartman yelled at me surprised and confused.
"I don't know I saw it get shot and I don't want to leave it to die." I said on the verge of tears. The thing that I was holding in my arms appeared to be a juvenile Wolf.
"We can't keep it at my house I have cats I think that thing would eat my cats, but we can keep it in my loft." Eric said.
"Let's drive by the convenient store and get some Band-Aids and some gauze wrap I think this thing might be seriously hurt."
"Okay" Eric said and we spend of into the night.

When we pulled up to the Walgreens I left Cartman in the car with the wolf.
" You stay here I'm going to go get our friend some medical equipment."I said to him.
I passed our friend over to Cartman's lap.

Cartman's Pov
Look at this mangy why in the world would i'll have sympathy for this mutt. I looked into the bolts eyes and I kind of saw Kyle's eyes and the dogs eyes both scared and lost and didn't really know what they were doing in the world. I smiled at the dog and I decided that I was going to call him Zeppelin after the famous band Led Zeppelin. About 20 minutes later Kyle came back to the car with dog food dog brush dog bowls gauze tape Band-Aids and pliers. I'll took Zepplin off of my lap and Zepplin woke up.

"Come on the car when we got in your place I think he's starting to die!" Kyle said with fear in his voice.

We both looked at are clothes and they were bloodstained! Again to drive quickly to the garage. When we got to the garage I carried Zepplin to the top of the garage Kyle began to set zeppelins bed up. Kyle quickly sewed up the wound on zeppelins leg and then started to clean her and brush her. After Zeppelin's ordeal she fell asleep in her doggy bed.
"Kyle I thought of a name for our new pet."
"What's that Cartman?"
"I think that's an excellent name Cartman."

I Couldn't take it anymore I grabbed Kyle shoulders and pulled him to my stomach I tilted his chin up and we began to kiss.

Kyle X CartmanWhere stories live. Discover now