[2] 🍁 FARAWAY 🍁

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well, you can be the wonder woman!

The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, casting a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activities. The first rays of sunlight lit up the Ranawat mansion with the dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifting in.

Krisha's was standing in front her mirror dressed in a sleeveless white top with straight jeans, trying to tie her hair with a ribbon but failing badly, she was about to try again when she heard someone clearing their throat from the door "you could have asked me to do it. It's been long I'm watching you failing miserably" it was her father with a smile playing on his lips.

He tied the ribbon in her hair in shape of a bow, krisha loved it when her father makes her hair, but it's been really long since he had done that because she started doing her hair by her ownself. From her childhood she have always preferred her father instead of her mother, because according to her whenever her mother combs her hair her scalp hurt.

She still remembers how her mother used to run after her with a comb in her hand and she used to run all around the house just to not get her hair combed, she smiled remembering all the sweet memories of her childhood, she missed her childhood deeply but again we cannot go back in time all we can do is cherish all the good moments that puts a smile on our face.

Her father kissed her head and told her to come down to have breakfast and walked out of the room, Krisha took her jacket and went down and had her breakfast with her family.

It was almost seven when Laksh and Darsh came home and took everyones blessings, her grandparents really like Laksh and her parents like Darsh for what reasons well, they are still unclear to her, maybe because their families are friends as both of them have doctors and business personal in their families too. In general everyone in the family likes them and why not when they have seen them grown into young adults from toddlers.

Krishna wished goodbye to everyone and they started their trip that she still doesn't know to where.

After twenty minutes of driving they reached the Jaipur airport which just confuses her but nonetheless she entered the airport completing all the processes, she was much shocked to see that they even had her passport which she is very sure her mother had provided them. Laksh got her ticket checked too without letting her know their destination. Finally after forty-five minutes of hardwork they were sitting in their seats.

After one and a half hour of flying she finally got to know where they are going when the air hostess announced that they have finally landed in Jaisalmer but why are they here.


Krisha had no idea where she is and how can she have any clue when a cloth darker and wider than the night sky is wrapped around her eyes perfectly "okay so now you can remove the cloth" Darsh told her and finally she removed the dark cloth and rubbed her eyes with her palms and looked around.

She was standing in front of a house, the house where she had spent most of her childhood playing and running around, the place where the memories of her loving late great grandparents are, she was only two when they passed away and from then they started to come here very occasionally and unfortunately from last three years they didn't even had their occasional visits either.

She had happy tears in her eyes and a smile on her face remembering all the sweet memories. She remembered telling them how much she loved and missed this place "you liked the surprise my Robin" Darsh gave her a side hug they knows how much she missed this place so they decided to give her a little surprise trip.

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