[11] 🍁 LOVE SICK 🍁

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ज्येष्ठ आपसे अपना हृदय तो जीत नहीं पाएं, खेल में तो क्या ही विजय होंगे

Duryodhan brought back Krisha and waited outside her tent until he was told that she is fine and because there was no vadiya with them at the moment so it was Draupadi only who took care of Krisha, under the assistance of Nakul.

After that Duryodhan went to his tent but still he felt really restless because first Krisha is still not awake and second why does he even care, why can't he just stop caring about her "jyesht, you okay?" Dushassan asked coming inside his tent.

"Yes, yes I'm. But why are you here, did something happen, is rajkumari okay?" Duryodhan asked and a smirk spread over Dushassan's face "so I was right" he said.

"Right about what?" Duryodhan asked being confused "that my brother has fallen in love with rajkumari Krishnavi" he answered as if it's the most obvious thing "did I" Duryodhan mumbled and thought about everything and the realisation that he really did fall in love with her took over him and this feels really good as if his heart finally learned how to beat and a genuine smile formed on his lips.

"Are you going to ask pitashree to send a marriage proposal to Dwarka?" Dushassan asked settling himself beside him "no, not right now it'd be too soon" he said, because he wants to spend some more time with her some genuine time to get to know her better, her likes, her dislikes and everything about her.

And also just because he is attached to her maybe because of her beauty, or her sweet nature or because of her boldness that she showed in the royal court even after being shy, of course he is attached to her.

But that didn't mean he should or would act on it, because he never felt like this before and the truth is that somewhere he doesn't even know what exactly he should even feel like, happy or irritated on the fact that he wants to change himself for her or maybe is already changing himself for better just for her.

There Duryodhan realises his feelings and here Arjun who knows from the first moment that she has charmed him and has stolen his heart, was having her glimpses from afar because his guilt doesn't let him go anywhere near her.

But now he feels a little relieved after knowing she's well and mushers up a little confidence and went to see her but first his eyes fell on his tired wife who was still sitting beside her with tired and puffy eyes.

"Arya, you're here do you need something" Draupadi said acknowledging his presence "no no I just came to see rajkumari and Panchali you should also go and take some rest" Arjun said caressing her hair.

"But Arya, I need to be here what if she woke up, and after what happened she might get scared of not finding anyone familiar around her" Draupadi voices her worry "don't worry I'll look after her, in the meantime you go and take rest" Arjun offered to look after Krisha and Draupadi accepted still being little hesitant.

Arjun sat near Krisha's feet and took out the anklet that was still with him and put it around her ankle where it originally belongs and noticed the wounds and scratches in her feet and took the bowl of ointment that was prepared by Nakul which he carefully applied to her feet.

He looked at her sleeping figure and a smile stretched out on his tired face, she looked peaceful and serene. He spent all his time till now to dawn, listening to the humming of night insects that with time turned into the chirping of morning birds, just looking after her until Draupadi came and informed him that they will leave soon after Krisha will wake up so he should also go and get ready.

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