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I even get scared from fake lizards

The water has engulfed her completely and she could feel herself being pulled deeper and the pain she was feeling in her chest as the water got to her lungs was making it harder and harder with each second for her to breathe. She was trying hard to swim back to the surface but failing miserably every time and now she doesn't even have an ounce of power left in herself to try further.

She couldn't breathe or even move her fingers her eyelids were getting heavier and the darkness spreading around her seem the only way to get out of her painful misery. She closed her eyes completely surrounded by darkness, she felt herself being pulled to the the bottom and her soul being sucked out of her body to travel to another world.

Krisha opened her eyes and gasped for air looking around terrified and relaxed when she found herself in bed and realised it was just a nightmare, a bad dream but fear again crawled within her as she looked more around the outlandish looking room just for her fear to slip away as fast as it came when she recalled all the previous life changing events that have happened.

A whimper left her lips as she gathered her blanket and hugged it tightly and cried silently remembering her family whom she is sure she can never see again maybe not even when she dies and right now their absence is the most painful thing. She remembered how much her family care for her and love her.

Her life has always been happy and beautiful with not even a bit of sadness or troubles, with full of laughter and bliss because she always had her family and when they were not there her best friends were, but now just in a moment her whole life, her whole existence is changed.

She was crying silently with no one around to console her but there was someone who could feel her pain and how much alone she's feeling, as she silently weeps her sorrows a sympathetic smile formed over the lips of the dark lord, Krishna opened his eyes when he felt someone touching his feet and seeing his beloved wife Rukmini he smiled lovingly.

Rukmini did his tilak and performance her aarti and her husband adorned her hair parting with more vermilion and she touched his feet just like everyday, her love is the devotion she has for him and his love is the respect and fulfillment that he gave her.

Krisha stopped crying when she saw the polestar necklace and smiled a bit sadly, suddenly chirping of birds caught her attention, it was still dark which means it's roughly around four in the morning so she stood up to get ready for the day as people here are early wakers, as she started walking to get her clothes a maid came in because she heard jiggling of her anklets "Rajkumari, you need some help" she asked with bowed head "not much but would you like to help me to get my clothes" krisha asked.

The dasi felt a bit awkward but nonetheless helped krisha to choose her clothes, she was about to take her for the bath but krisha refused she told them all to wait outside as she want to take a bath by herself.

The dasi doesn't know how krisha is as it's not even been a day since she arrived so she just nodded and did as asked as she don't want to be scolded or yelled at. Krisha didn't wanted any helpers around her because then she would have to get in the water which she didn't want to do especially not after the nightmare so she just poured water on herself with a big bowl and washed herself up especially her tear stained face.

After taking bath she got dressed with the help of the dasis she still haven't talk to them much, not even as much as asked them their names. She was sitting in front of the mirror to almost ready when someone came in "can I help u get ready today" Rukmini asked with a beautiful smile "Yes, you can bhabhishree" krisha replied as as the dasis bowed and left, her hair were already dried up and braided loosely when Rukmini took some flowers and put them in her hair, for some reasons it reminded her of her mother and her eyes again brimmed with fresh tears, she met Rukmini eyes trough the mirror and looked away blinking those unshed tears.

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