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"Steve, I can't do this" Robin turned to Steve as they pulled up to the Wheeler residence.

It was the night before prom, the high school experience Robin had been dreading ever since she stepped into Hawkins High. That was until she met Nancy Wheeler.

Nancy had came out to Robin in a large rant about her past dating experiences, despite that fact, Robin was still very unsure about asking the girl to prom, so unsure she made Steve stop the car and give her a (sort of) pep talk before asking.

"Robin, I'm sure it will be fine. You both like boobies afterall." Steve snickered, flashing Robin a cheesy grin.

"Steve what have I told you about saying boobies.... Stop." Robin rolled her eyes, deciding Steves mention of 'Boobies' was her cue to leave.

Robin sighed, opening the car door with shakey hands and stepping out with an even shakier balance.

With a deep breath, she lifted the bundle of flowers from the dashboard and slammed the car door behind her.

She approached the Wheelers front door with anxious steps and a bundle of flowers she was sure she was allergic to behind her back.

When she got to the door she took a deep breath.

"Robin just fucking do it." She whispered to herself, followed by her forcing a knock on the door.

She fidgeted around, waiting for the door to open, muttering her rehearsed confession to herself.

After what felt like hours, the door finally opened and instead of being greeted by Nancy, she was greeted by her mother.

"Oh, Robin, we weren't expecting you, I'll go get her." She smiled, closing the door slightly and shouting on Nancy to come to the door.

Robin closed her eyes and began fidgeting again, taking deep breaths.

Her attention snapped as the door creaked open revealing a beautiful Nancy Wheeler.

Robins eyes widened, taking in Nancys soft features from the short smile on her face to her bright eyes.

"Hey, what brought you here?" Nancy shut the door behind her, noticing Robins worried expression.

With a deep breath, Robin pulled the flowers from behind her back and delivered her well practiced monologue.

"Nancy, I like you, like alot. I think you're pretty. Like super duper pretty, and you're funny and you're so incredibly smart, and I would love to go to prom with you and-" Robins confession was cut short with lips on hers, Nancys lips on hers.

All of a sudden, Robins worries flushed away as she leaned into Nancy's touch.

As they pulled away, Robin hid her red tinted face.

"Robin, these are beautiful." Nancy smiled, taking the flowers off Robin.

"I, uh- I didn't know if you would like them, they just reminded me of you." Robin was avoiding eye contact, her eyes darting everywhere but Nancys.

"So... Robin Buckley at prom? I thought you were dreading it, thats what you told me anyway." Nancys sarcastic tone rung through the tallers ears.

"Well uh, yeah, that kinda keeps the whole promposal thing that I've been planning for weeks secret." Robin shrugged.

"So uh, is that a yes or no?" Robin asked, making eye contact with Nancy now.

"Was me kissing you not enough? God, Buckley you really are oblivious. Of course I'll go to prom with you." Nancy placed her free hand in Robins, trying to reassure her she wasn't joking.

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