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tw - mentions of abuse

Robin stepped through her front door, greeted by the sight of her mother on the sofa, beer bottle in hand.

"Hey mom." She muttered as she made her way to her bedroom.

"Where the hell were you?" Her mothers scratchy voice echoed through the halls.

Robin rolled her eyes, turning around to answer.

"I was with Nancy and Steve." She replied bluntly, stepping back into the living room.

"Go get me a beer, darling." Her mother asked, placing the empty beer  on the ground.

"You don't need another one." Robin scoffed, addressing the 4 empty bottles scattered around the floor.

"And don't call me that." Robin made way for her bedroom once again, clenching her fists with anger.

"Get back here." Her mothers scratchy voice rung through her ears as she was grabbed by the wrist from behind.

"Go get me a beer." Her mother repeated, spinning Robin around to face her.

Robin examined her stern expression and sighed.

"I told you. You've had enough." Robin made her point clear, pushing her mothers grip off her.

"You don't tell me when I've had enough, get me a beer bitch." Robins mother raised her voice as she grabbed Robin and pushed her towards the kitchen.

"Go fuck yourself." Robin stood up for herself, regaining her balance and turning to face her mother.

Robin felt a sudden impact on her face as her mother slapped her.

"Don't talk to me like that." Her mother muttered, stepping away and making her way back to the couch.

"You're a disappointment." Her mother muttered, turning her focus to the tv.

Robin took a deep breath and stormed out the house, slamming the door behind her.

She got on her bike and began cycling, heading for the Wheeler residence.

When she arrived, her face was already stained with tears. She remembered that Karen and Ted were away for a family function with Holly while Nancy and Mike looked after the house.

Robin dumped her bike and ran to knock on the door.

Robin paced, waiting for the door to open and when it did, she stumbled in the house.

"Robin, what are you doing here?" Nancy let out a concerned expression. Robin never responded, she instead turned to face Nancy, who instantly noticed the tears streaming down Robins face.

"God, what happened? Go up to my room, I'll be there soon." Nancy closed the door and ushered Robin upstairs.

Robin stumbled into Nancys room, throwing herself onto the large bed and continued her sobs.

Soon enough, Nancy entered the room holding a mug of hot chocolate, which she knew was Robins favourite brand.

"Mind if I join you on there? I brought you some cocoa." Nancy smiled softly, approaching the bed and placing the mug on her bedside table.

Robin nodded, adjusting her position to make room for the smaller girl.

"Was it your mom again?" Nancy asked, laying next to Robin and taking her hand.

"Uh yeah. It wasn't even that bad this time, I just got scared.." Robin let out through choked tears. Nancy nodded in response, a sign that she was listening.

"I didn't know where else to go.... I mean I could have went to Steves, but I would rather be with you to be completely honest. I'm sorry if I ruined your night, I didn't even call you and-" Robin continued, being cut off by a squeeze on her hand from Nancy.

"It's okay Rob, I'd rather spend my night with you than myself." Nancy adjusted her position to be more comfortable, keeping hold of Robins hand.

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" Nancys soft tone was back.

Robin nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Well, when I got home, she was already pretty drunk, she was holding an empty bottle and there were some around the room. I tried to just ignore her and go to my room, but she asked me to get her a beer." Robin paused, trying to hold back her tears before continuing.

"When I told her she'd had enough, she grabbed my arm and basically ordered me to get her another. When I insisted she'd had enough, she pushed me towards the kitchen, she told me I shouldn't tell her if she's had enough or not. She called me a bitch, which is really nothing new." Robin wiped tears away from her eyes, Nancy was still all ears.

"I told her to go fuck herself, I was angry. She didn't take that lightly considering she slapped me across the face and called me a disappointment. That's when I left." Robin was now full blown crying again as Nancy pulled her into a hug.

"I mean, yeah it's been so much worse before, but I don't think I'll ever get over being called a disappointment from my own mother." Robin explained, easing into the hug.

"Rob... You have every right to be upset. Stay here tonight, it's not as if my parents are home so there's not much to worry about here." Nancy began drawing circles around Robins back.

"Hey, your hot chocolate isnt gonna be so hot anymore if you don't drink it soon." Nancy joked as Robin lifted herself up, moving next to Nancy and taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Holy shit you remembered my favourite brand?" Robin was in awe.

"Well, you're the only person I know other than Holly that drinks it religiously soooo." Nancy snickered, admiring the girl next to her.

"Y'know, Rob. I'm kinda glad you chose to come here instead of Steves. I have something I wanna tell you. I would have told you today if we weren't with Steve." Nancy has a more serious look on her face as she turned to Robin, who was fully focussed on her.

"I'm all ears." Robin was no longer crying, as she shot Nancy a smile, signalling her to continue.

"Robin. I like you alot, and I've been confused about this for a while because I was so sure I was into guys, but then we began to get closer, and it felt different. So much more different to Jonathan or Steve, it felt real, natural. I guess I was denial at first, but I've accepted it. I think I'm falling for you, Robin Buckley." Nancy let out in a controlled ramble, avoiding eye contact with Robin. She was scared, she didn't know how Robin would take this.

Robin just smiled, putting her hot chocolate back down and cuddling into Nancy.

"Oh how I have dreamed to hear those words from none other than Nancy Wheeler." Robin let out, earning a sigh of relief from Nancy.

"I like you alot too, I guess I just never told you because I always thought you were super duper straight. Guess I'm not great at reading people." Robin snickered, resting her hand around Nancys waist.

"So... What exactly does this mean? Y'know, for us?" Nancy questioned, bringing a hand up to play with Robins hair.

"Well, there's no harm in us being together... Apart from being two girls in a very non progressive town." Robin joked, fidgeting with the belt loops of Nancys jeans.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." Nancy muttered, continuing to play with Robins hair.

The two stayed like that until soft snores could be heard from them, that was one of the best nights of their lives.

1234 words

hi that might seem really rushed but oh well

i once again haven't proof read this so excuse my bad spelling etc

PLEASE leave suggestions and ideas in the comments!!

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