Chapter 2

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After eda's shift she walked home as usual. She was zoned out the whole time, and by the time she got home, Lilith was already home. "Ah, edalyn how was your day?" She asked. Eda looked down. ".. Charming.. " she mumbled. "What was that?" Lilith asked eda snapped back into reality and cleared her throat. "It was fine.." Eda said. "Oh alright" Lilith replied. "Hey uh.. For no reason at all, do we still have our stuff from. School?" Eda asked. "Um.. Yeah, it should all be in the basement" Lilith said.

Eda went into the basement and looked around the boxes they had down there. Eventually she found a box in a very dark corner, labled "rainestorm" eda grabbed it and went up to her room.

Eda opened the box with a pocket knife, and looked inside. "I can't believe I'm doing this.. " she mumbled to herself. On top was a scrape book she made with Raine. She smiled and set it aside. Then a hoodie that had a music group logo from when Raine was in college. Eda had stolen it, and had no intention of giving it back. Then she found a note book, she knew what it was, and set it aside for later. Then she found little notes she and Raine would pass on class. Eda cringed at the sight of them.  She duh deeper, and found little things Raine had gotten her such as a necklace  with a small charm with "Lord calamity" engraved on it. Eda smiled, and held it to her chest.  Eda pit on the necklace, and blushed. Then hears a knock on her door, eda jumped, and shoved everything u der her bed.

Eda opened the door to her sister with a book in her hand. "Edalyn, are you alright- since when do you wear jewelry?" Lilith asked seeing the necklace. Eda blushed and shoved it in her shirt. "Um- just um..- what did you want?" Eda asked. "Oh right, um.. I made dinner if your hungry" Lilith said. "Um.. Yeah, I'm coming just give me a second"  eda said, and Lilith walked off.

That night while eda was laying in bed, eda looked at the pendant. Then thought of the notebook. She sighed, then went under her bed to get it, but ended up falling because she couldn't be bothered to actually get up(me every day)  eda got up with the notebook in hand, then her sister walked in. "Edalyn? Are you alright?" Eda hid the notebook behind her back. "Y-yes!!" Eda blurted out nervously.   ".. What are you hiding?" Lilith asked with a suspicious tone. "N-nothing!" Eda said. ".. Mhm.. Okay, just be careful"  Lilith said then left. Eda climbed back into bed. The notebook was  filled with little kings eda had charted when she and Raine were Dating.  Eda flipped to a random page

January 1

Raine kissed me on the lips for the first time

Eda wondered why the hell she wrote stuff life this, but she flipped to another page

March 17
I stole raines.. I mean I borrowed it..

Eda smiled at her young self, knowing damn well she stole it.  Eda then flipped to the last page

July 10

Raine broke up with me, because I can't communicate.. After 7 years..

Eda sighed, and stuffed the notebook in her drawer, and tried to sleep.

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