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Before this chapter begins. Anyone wanna guess what happens? because I reckon you can't. If someone can guess then well done to them. Also don't read ahead then comment the answer, that's less fun. Actual chapter is down a bit.

bit further

bit further

nearly there

we are here. finally

Ranboo awoke a few hours later. He was still weak but was recovering well. The person who's house this was came up with some weird bottles of stuff to help Ranboo. They ushered me out the room but before they closed the door I asked "what's your name?"

"Levi, now shoo I need to do some medical shit"

I turned to leave, however I stopped. "Are you even qualified to do this stuff. I don't want you to accidentally make Ranboo worse"

"I work in a pharmacy in a different book. Plus I've been patching myself up for years, Ranboo will be fine"

"What do you mean in a different book? You know what never mind just help him please."

With that I left Levi to do 'weird health shit'. Downstairs I found Liv asleep on the floor next to the sofa with a slash across her head. I think she cut her head on the coffee table. I ran over to help her but suddenly she woke up and started walking to the kitchen.

"Oh 'ello Charles, how you holding up?
Don't  mind the blood. Fainted again I did. Did that once and cut me 'ead on the desk next to me bed. Got dragged along to a&e to see some sketchy lookin nurse who stuck a plaster on me 'ead and called it a day. Got no sleep that night. Anyways, want a macaron? I also 'ave Mac n cheese."

"No thanks Liv, nice thought though, hope your heads ok."

"That's nice"

I walked off after that to go check on Ranboo. Levi was gone but he looked a million times better than he did before. He looked ready to continue moving.

As nice as these people were we needed to continue our journey. I mean if they have food and supplies then there must be civilisation close by. Right? We told them that we wished to leave back to civilization and could they tell us which way to go but they just laughed.

"Oh we don't have a clue how to get back, can't help ya, now fox trot oscar before it gets dark"

"Oh, ok then, i'll grab Ranboo." I walked up the stairs and grabbed Ranboo in a fireman's carry as they were still asleep. When I returned downstairs however. It was destroyed. The walls were crumbling and had large holes in them. The taps were bent out of shape and the bookshelves were destroyed with panels missing. There was rotting food on the tables and everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, mold, and rain. There was no one. This place had been abandoned for years. "What the-" I walked slowly, taking it all in. Where did they go. . .

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