Secret ending: friends

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(I forgot to publish this I'm so sorryyyyyy!)

After Ranboo went missing I ran, I was scared of being captured too

I somehow by sheer luck found a sign pointing towards my safe haven Brighton. After a gruelling 5 hours of walking through dense forest, I reached the outskirts of the city I called home.

There I was met with swarms of missing posters for me and Ranboo, people surrounded me with questions causing my brain to overload before someone pushed them all away. I never got the name of that kind sole but I'll remember them. They placed ear defenders  over my head and helped me to navigate towards the apartment block containing all my friends. I never got the chance to thank them but they saved me and I forever owe them.

I knocked on all my friends doors but no one answered, guqqi,s door was open but with no one in sight, everyone was gone. My head was pounding and I was going to pass out from exhaustion soon meaning I had to find someone. As I fell though, I landed on the door of an old pal.

When I awoke I was surrounded by my friends, laying on the sofa of one of them. I thought it was Scott's house at first but then I realised something.

It was Tubbo's

I had to tell this man his best friend was gone but how.

"Where's Ranboo Charlie! I need to speak with him. He's been through so much I need to comfort him."

"They, well, they're, they took th, them. I coul, couldn't save, save them."

I was so overwhelmed and scared, dealing with the traumas of my experience, I was killed and rebooted over and over again. The pain was unbearable-



He punched me in the face, he kept punching me in the face, he wouldn't stop, it hurt so much. . .

Scott and Bekymon pulled him off me after much struggle and carried my mangled body outside. There I was brought to Aimsey apartment and treated for my wounds. They knew I didn't want to hurt Ranboo, they knew I couldn't try to find him in such a huge forest, they knew I had no choice, they helped me.

They sympathised with me and helped me overcome my traumas allowing me to live again.

I never forgot Ranboo, I never stopped caring

But he did

A few years after the incident I was walking back from the market when I saw them. Just mindlessly walking. I ran to them hugging them tightly but they pushed me back. Indescribable fear in their eyes.

"G,get aw,away from me, me"

I tried to tell him I was Charlie his friend but he had no memory of me or the others, no memory or showfall, no memory at all. What

Turns out he had just been wandering the streets for hours after being randomly dropped off by some strangers in masks. They had no memory of before the drop off though.

I eventually got them to come with me after some persuasion. Saying I worked at a homeless shelter and could provide food, shelter, and sleep. Ranboo was deathly skinny and looked like sleep had escaped them for years. Their clothes tattered and ripped but faintly resembling what appears to be some kind of showfall themed prison clothing. Their ribs on show to the freezing cold air sticking out from the pale skin with a showfall logo scarred into the side just above the hip. They still had the mask on. But it was tattered and a port was in their neck. The mask now had a piece over the head and under the chin to keep it in place and it was rusted with wires sticking out.

We walked home ignoring the stares. Some with fear and disgust. Some with confusion. Some with sympathy.

Ranboo struggled a lot with the stares and whispers but home was insight before any major damage could be done.

None of our friends faces could trigger his memories, but one in particular triggered something.

A few days later we were walking to my apartment when we were blocked by Tubbo. "What the hell do you think your doing Charl- RANBOO! What did Charlie do to you, the hell is that contraption on your head."

He pulled Ranboo to his side, his victim being too weak to push away. Ranboo collapsed into his arms from being pulled and was struggling to escape despite being much taller than their capture.


"Ranboo he's manipulating you"

Before anything could escalate through words Ranboo managed to punch Tubbo under his chin knocking him out cold

(Fun fact this works)

Ranboo ran back to me and hid behind me despite being taller. Their thin pale body shaking behind mine. We couldn't get the metal contraption off their head without hurting them.

We rushed back home and devised a way to avoid Tubbo, he wouldn't take it to the police because he'd be cautioned for not letting Ranboo go and harassing us.

I knew an engineer lived in the apartment across to me but had never met them. We decided the best action wild be that the group would file for a restraining order against Tubbo for a few month and that the left over members of the group would seek a therapist and some new clothes for Ranboo whilst we consulted the engineer.

With the plan in mind we crossed the hall and knocked on the door only to be met with a familiar face. It was the person who helped me when I was swarmed by crowds when I first arrived home. They stopped me from being harassed and helped me home.

"It's you!"

"I feel like we haven't been introduced properly. I'm Draig"

(New friend unlocked:Draig goes to my school and she great at fixing stuff)

Draig let us inside and offered to help cut the contraption. A few hours and many small cuts later, it was off. There was still a port in the back of his neck but Draig said that had to be surgically removed.

Things got better after that. Tubbo left us alone, Ranboo got therapy, We made a new friend in draig, it was great!

We were walking out on the pier on day when a man approached us saying his daughter was a fan and that he wanted a picture. We all leaned in but as we were about to hit take he stuck something in the port on Ranboo's neck.


An ear piercing scream was heard

Then silence followed

Running - generation lossWhere stories live. Discover now