German Empire x Assistant! reader:What my heart desires

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Another requestt! this one is from a friend of mine and I instantly went to work.

Yepeee I got ranked no1 in WW1! B)

This story is about german empire, not reichtangle (for those people who thinks they are the same) So no rectangle head (or you can just imagine that he has the rectangle head)

Requested by: Sakuragakuru

No warnings here, just enjoy :D

German Empire POV:
It was early in the morning, with my hands behind my back, I went trough the hallways with the intention of going to my office and do my daily things, but while I was walking I saw Y/N, my hardworking assistant going to her office as well.

She did a really good job in the paperwork and it saves me a lot of time-

Suddenly while I was thinking I accidentally bumped into her and I made her papers fall, we both panicked and quickly went to grab the papers.

"German Empire! I'm very sorry I didn't mean to..-" I could feel her fear..

"Do not worry, it's my fault"

As soon as I said that, she looked shocked, I looked at her in the eyes and saw her light pink blush..I quickly looked away and continued picking up the papers, feeling my cheeks slightly heat up.

As soon as I picked the remaining papers I could find, I handed it to Y/N, she thanked me and I going to my office like I originally intended, noticing that I walked faster than usual.

I closed the door and went to touch my cheek, I felt the heat...It was strange, my cheeks never get heated unless I drink alcohol. I then thought about what I said earlier, why did I say that anyways.

I then tried to forget about it, sighing and then going to sit in my chair, looking what I had on top of my desk.

My finished papers and my cup of coffee, nothing else, nothing new to do, so I decided to have a look at my army and give them some motivation.


It was at night, I, again was going through the hallways and saw Y/N, holding some papers. I looked away and kept my distance away from her, I didn't want to feel that strange feeling again.

She looked at me, but I didn't look back, I ignored her, and she seemed to have ignored me back.

I went to my office and saw a pile of papers in my table, I went to see if they were done and surprisingly they were, and the handwriting seemed to be from Y/N, I didn't have anything to do again, so I went to the small kitchen to prepare some hot water with honey with my usual mug.

I took my newspaper and sitting in the sofa near the fireplace, I read the newspaper while drinking my hot water with honey. The fire warmed the room and my water with honey warmed my stomach.

Suddenly a thought of Y/N came out from my head, making me stop reading the newspaper and visualise her face. I quickly snapped and tried to get rid of the thought of her, taking another sip of my hot drink and then trying to focus on my newspaper.

Then another thought came out of my head, I missed her....

'Why am I thinking about her?'

'It's been 1 hour and I seem to miss her'

'What is happening to me'

Some time passed and I saw her again in the hallways, but this time when I looked at her I noticed that she had bags and dark circles under her eyes. I got worried but didn't show it.

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