The Elements

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Third Person P.O.V

Elson pants lightly as he looks around at the shards in confusion, staring at the symbols.


(Y/N) jolts up with a gasp, shivering lightly as the temperature seems to suddenly drop. She grabs Iduna's shawl, wrapping it around her arms as she opens the balcony doors, her eyes widening.

"Wow..." She breathes out in awe, looking at the symbols before pausing. "Wait... Fire... Earth... Water... Air..."

She looks back, her heart sinking when she doesn't see Elson in bed.


With a gasp she swiftly races out of the castle and into the courtyard.


"Air, fire, water, earth..." Elson mumbles, pointing to the symbols as he goes.

He gasps as a light shines in the distance, a sound echoing before all the shards fall from the sky. He looks back at the castle with wide eyes, his heart sinking with realization.



People exclaim as they exit their homes, some holding candlelights and looking at the shards in confusion.

Everyone gasps as the candles in the lamps begin to flash and burn out, a woman yelping as she throws her candle holder to the ground as the fire nearly burns her.

Arendelle becomes dark, only the moonlight lighting the streets.


Anna, along with (Y/N) and Kristoff quickly exit the castle, looking around with wide eyes.

(Y/N) clings onto the shawl as it nearly flies off, quickly tying the string around her neck to prevent it from doing so.

"What?" She breathes out, watching the water from the fountains disappear.

"The water!" A woman cries out, also noticing.

The waterfall's water also vanishes, making people gasp.


Sven looks around in confusion, leaping up with a startled moan as the doors to the stable were slammed open.

A powerful gust of wind shoves him out, making him groan in protest and push against it.


Elson pants and presses against a building, trying to protect himself from the wind.

"The air rages... No fire, no water..." His eyes widen, "the earth is next! We have to get out!"

He shoves himself from the building, rushing to join the others.


People whimper as they try to remain on their feet, pressing against the wind as they walk.

Some decide to simply run, finding it easier and safer.

Anna runs up to a woman, catching her as she stumbles and (Y/N) holds a little girl in her arms, gasping as she sees the father searching frantically as he presses against the wind.

"Papa!" The girl shouts, making him gasp and breathe out in relief as he rushes to the two.

"Thank you, my Lady!" He nearly cries, taking the girl from her arms and hugging the girl tightly.

"Get to the cliffs, now!" (Y/N) quickly replies, making him nod as he races to join the others.

She gasps as the ground beneath her moves, making her yell and fall backwards as the roads begin to shift. Strong arms catch her, making her yelp as they pick her up bridal style. She looks up with relief when she sees it was Elson, his expression hardened with concern as he looks around Arendelle.

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