Golems, The Earth Spirit

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Anna! Head to the dam to make sure the others aren't there! I'm going to go get those Golems!" I yell as we both run, Anna and I breathing heavily.


"Anna, I promise you, I will make it back! Just go!" I interrupt, making her look at me with a nod.

"You better!" She yells, turning and running towards the dam as I run to the sleeping Giants.


I pant heavily, slapping some of the branches from my face as I burst through the bushes, skidding to a stop as I face them.

I inhale sharply, my heart racing from fear and arendeline.

"Wake up!" I scream, my voice echoing across the gorge. The Giants snore in reply, making me groan and sigh. "Wake up!! I know you sense me!"

The Giant shifts in his sleep slowly, rising to his full height as I watch in fear. He grunts before trying to lay down onto another Giant, making it roar and punch him away.

The Giant spots me, growling loudly.

"That's right! I'm here! Come and get me, come on!" I shout, racing away as they all begin to rise. "I know you want me! So come on!!"

I scream as his hand lands behind me, missing me by a few feet. A loud roar bellows behind me, making me stagger forward as my ears ring.

"Over here!" I shriek, gasping and flying forward before sliding on my feet, stabling myself. "Gotta do better than that, Big Guy!


Third Person P.O.V

Anna breathes heavily as she races through the woods, gasping as she looks back and spots the Giants pursuing after her best friend.

She screams as a rock was hurled through the air, landing near her and making her fly back on impact, sliding on her back before stopping.


"That'll work!" (Y/N) gasps, dodging another rock that was hurled at her. "This way guys! Wait... No! Not that way!"


Anna gasps as she sits up, groaning as she rubs her head. Her eyes widen as she sees the Giants approaching her, making her yelp and stagger to her feet as she begins to run.


Kristoff looks up, Sven snorting in confusion at the loud thumping.

"No!" A familiar voice yells, making him gasp as he spots (Y/N) racing towards him, looking up at the Giants.

"(Y/N)!" He shouts, Sven racing to the girl and scooping her up and setting her behind him.

"Kris! I'm so glad you're okay! Now, turn back! They're going after Anna!"

His eyes widen as (Y/N) holds onto his waist, and Sven turns and races the other way.


Mattias gasps as he looks between the Giants, looking down when he notices someone running.

"What...?" He looks between Anna and the dam. "No, no, no, no! She's leading them to the dam!"


Anna pants heavily as she races as fast as she could, the Giant nearly crushing her with each step it took.

She shrieks as she flies forward, quickly flipping and crawling back as she looks up with wide eyes as the Giant raises its foot over her.


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