When I'm Older

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Anna watches in concern as Elson takes (Y/N)'s hand, and the two eagerly race down the cliff and towards the wall of mist.

She swiftly races after them, Kristoff and the others following.

(Y/N) and the others look up at the wall in wonder, and Kristoff approaches it with a suspicious look on his face. He begins to walk through it, only to be shoved back.

"Whoa! What the...?" He sputters, dusting his vest and looking at the wall.

Olaf gasps in delight, laughing and racing towards the wall. He was shoved backwards and lands on his face, quickly sitting back up with another laugh as he races again to the wall, repeating this many more times.

Anna watches him with wide eyes, (Y/N) smiling in amusement and shaking her head. Elson grabs her hand tightly, pulling her along with him as Anna walks besides her.

He slowly reaches out, and the mist seems to disappear at his touch, revealing four standing stones.

"The elements..." (Y/N) mumbles, looking between them. Her grip tightens on Elson's hand, making him look down at her. "Promise me we'll do this together. Please?"

Elson looks between the two girls as Anna watches in concern, and he slowly nods with a soft smile.

"I promise," he vows, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand tightly before leading her into the woods, Anna following with the others as the wall behind them closes.


Sven moans in concern, making Kristoff gently pat his back with a soft, "it's okay."

"Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation?" Olaf randomly comments with a wide grin as he looks around. "I have no idea what that means, but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us.

Elson looks at (Y/N), making her look back at Anna, who looks at a worried Kristoff.

Elson's hand tightens around (Y/N)'s as they were suddenly shoved forward, all crying out.

"Hey!" Elson yells, staggering as (Y/N) squeals and nearly falls.

"What is this?!" Kristoff shouts, stumbling back.

"No pushing!" Anna scolds, trying to see who it was.

"Stop, please!" (Y/N) yells, yelping and stumbling around.

"It's too fast!" Elson gasps, landing on his feet and catching (Y/N) as she falls backwards.

"What was that?" Kristoff mumbles, everyone panting lightly as they look back at the wall of mist.

Olaf cackles, racing forward and slamming into the wall, flying backwards.

"No, no, no," Anna panics, feeling through the wall.

Elson narrows his eyes in confusion, walking forward with (Y/N) and shooting his magic into the wall.

They both gasp as (Y/N) ducks, the magic flying back over her head. Everyone remains still for a moment, (Y/N) blinking owlishly with wide eyes.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Well, that woke me up!" I laugh, standing straight as I shake my head.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry," Elson frantically apologizes, looking me over while placing his hands on my cheeks.

"I'm fine!" I reply with a grin, grabbing his wrists and nodding.

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