QUARTET NIGHT: Kurosaki Ranmaru x Reader~

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The silverette bassist sat in his empty room, headphones blaring to his favorite rock band at the moment as you, his girlfriend, laid facing the foot of his bed, magazine in hand. You were currently reading an article about the popular boy band, STARISH, our of curiosity, of course. A soft giggle rumbled in your chest as you read over one of their interviews, enjoying how truthfully they answered the questions asked. A sudden weight was pushed against your back, followed by two strong arms wrapping themselves around your shoulders. "Reading another interview,eh?" Ranmaru stated, plucking the colorful magazine away from your once occupied hands right after he distracted you. "Uh...uhm...y-yes. I-it was purely out of curiosity, though!" you countered, the sense of anxiety tainting your voice. "Sure it is, babe." he replied as he buried his face into your soft, (h/l) (h/c) locks. His heterochromic orbs scanned over your flushed facial features, a satisfied smirk plastered on his pale lips. Slowly inching his way to your neck, he moved some of your hair out of his way before attacking your soft spot with nips, bites, and kisses with his awaiting lips. A slight moan/whimper slipped past your gritted teeth as you felt his hands travel beneath your (f/c) long sleeve shirt. "R-ranmaru~ s-stop it!" you shouted in a whining matter. He only chuckled softly and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "Sorry, babe. I guess i couldn't control myself." Ranmaru replied as he stared at the noticeable purple mark he made.

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