*SPECIAL* Shinomiya Satsuki x Reader~

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You knew that Natsuki had Gemini Syndrome, which gave him a split personality when his glasses were off of his face. Sure, you were close friends with Natsuki, but you secretly had a crush on his more powerful side, Satsuki. Your (e/c) orbs narrowed in determination as you eyebrows knit together. 'I'm going to do it! I' m going to tell Satsuki how I feel!...hopefully he won't reject me..' you thought to yourself as you pushed yourself off of your comfortable bed.

Now, you were making your way towards Natsuki's room in the Master Course Dormitories. As you turned a slightly sharp corner, you came into contact with a broad chest, the faint sound of a metallic object hitting the ground was heard in the background. "OI! Watch where you're going, idiot." stated a masculine voice. "Well, sorry for bumping into you, jerk!" you retorted, anger slightly tainting your voice as you looked up at said "jerk", only to meet the cold, green gaze of Satsuki himself. "S-satsuki..." you muttered under your voice as your (e/c) orbs widened, a slight pink blush painting your (s/t) cheeks. "You've got guts, (Y/n). Calling me a jerk when I could easily throw you into a wall. Speaking in such a tone with me and you aren't afraid..that's what I like about you.." Satsuki said as he gripped your wrists tightly in one of his large hands, pinching your chin with the other. A small yelp escaped from your mouth as you stared up at his smirking facade. Satsuki chuckled lowly as he leaned in, his lips merely inches from his. "(Y/n)..you're less annoying than the others...that's why I've grown to love you.." he stated just before he attacked your lips with his hungrily, earning a darker blush from you in the process.

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