STARISH:Shinomiya Natsuki x Reader~

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You watched as your hyperactive blonde lover threw in random ingredients into the blender. All you two were doing was making cookies, but then Natsuki started to add in the strangest ingredients, such as mackerel and hot sauce. "Natsuki?" you asked quietly, gaining his attention. "Yes, (Y/n)-chan?~" he replied, smiling widely as he mixed together the ingredients that made your churn. "Are you sure you're following the recipe correctly? I'm pretty sure cookies don't have mackerel, how sauce, soy beans, or coffee grinds in it..." you said as you were starting to become slightly nauseous. "I'm pretty sure I was following the recipe correctly." he replied, taking a glance at the index card in your (s/t) hands. "Oh, I guess I wasn't..eheh.." Natsuki said, a sweat drop visible on his cheek. You sighed as you tied a (f/c) apron around your waist, moving your failure cook boyfriend out of the kitchen. "Let me bake the cookies, you go sit in the living room and wait." you stated, pointing towards the brightly lit living room as Natsuki did just that, not wanting your wrath to become much worse.

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