Chapter 12-First Target

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Lyra's POV


"So basically, you had 4 people on the team-instead of 2" he asked me and i nodded

"Real secretive" he muttered and i shot him a look

"My bad" he said and i smiled

"You want to hear more or no?" I asked and he gave me an "are you serious" look

"I cleared up my entire schedule for today, I'm obviously listening" he argued

"Well then- hold onto your heart because shit is about to get real"

2 months ago

"Welcome to your humble home guys" i walked inside as Melissa and Andrew followed me with boxes in their hands

"This is the mansion? It looks so different now" Melissa kept the box aside and spoke

"Well i obviously had to change the location of the mansion so i decided to change the whole appearance" i said and she nodded

She walked to the glass doors that led outside to the garden

"They're biometric doors- in fact most of the doors in the house are biometric because its easier to keep a record of whose coming in and going out" i said

"There's also an alarm at every door, so if someone unauthorized tries to break through the doors or messes with the security, they will go around the house like crazy" i explained to her and her hand froze as she was about to touch one

"Don't worry, i will set yours up in a few minutes" i said and she giggled

"It feels so fancy, and like we're on a secret mission" she said and i smiled

"Well- its a secret to me" i said

"Anyways, I'll show you your room" i said to her and she nodded

"Andrew?" I called him as he bought the last of the boxes inside

"I already know my room, you guys go ahead" he said and i nodded, leading Melissa away.

We ascended the stairs and ended up on the first floor , in front of the hallways

"On the left, there's 3 rooms and 1 gym"

"On the right, there's 4 rooms" i explained as we took a right

"This first one is Andrew's, so you can take any one after the first one" i said to her

"You can choose slowly, they're all kind of different" i said as she walked towards the second room

I walked away from her and got back down

As i was going to the door, the door suddenly opened

"Im here" Arthur barged in and i rolled my eyes

"Real hospitality" he mocked me

"Real manners" i mocked him and he stared at me

"Gosh, you guys fight too much" Melissa spoke to us from the first floor, and i glanced at her leaning against the glass railing

"So what are we doing today?" Arthur clasped his hands excitedly

"Nothing- just planning" i said and he looked at me in disbelief

"So you called me for nothing?" He asked me bored and i giggled

"I like seeing that look on your face, it makes my day" i said tapping his arm, laughing at the same time

"Haha" he mimicked me

"Well, at least now Lyra has someone else she can laugh at- i was bored being her target" Andrew walked in as he looked at me and Arthur

"Its so cute how you think you're picking on a Mafia boss" Arthur said jokingly holding my cheeks

"You're a mafia boss?" Andrew asked in disbelief

"I know, crazy right? He doesn't look like one" i said to Andrew and we both nodded in agreement

"Well, what is it about me that gives that impression" Arthur asked curiously and i leaned closer to him

I eyed him hair to toe, trying to list out things

"No offense, but its your personality" i said after a moment

"You're too soft. I mean I'm making fun of you in the first 24 hours we met- so how are other people supposed to be intimidated by you?" I reasoned and he smiled softly

"It's because i let you do that Lyra, I don't let anyone else do it. If someone did as little as raised an eyebrow at me- I would've buried them into the ground alive" he said and for some reason, his words gave me chills

He thinks I'm special?

"Im all done picking a room, lets get into action" Melissa's voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned around as she walked to us

Soon, we all gathered around and after helping everyone with drinks, we sat down on the couch as i opened my laptop

"So the plan is simple, i have 3 different people i need revenge from. Its going to be 3 different plans, 3 different days" i said

"Whose our first target then?" Arthur asked and i clicked open a picture

"Her" i turned the laptop towards them and they all glanced

"Victoria Todorov?"

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