Chapter 42- We Meet Again

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Lyra's POV
My consciousness came back again, but this time, i felt like i was alone

That feeling of darkness surrounded my body, hugging it

I twitched my fingers to hopefully hear ruffling, but it was dead silent

Scared, i fluttered my eyes open

My vision was met with a plain ceiling, filled with cracks and spider webs

"What the hell" i muttered as i tried to get up, but a sharp pang in my stomach instantly bought me to my bed

"What the fuck?" I said lifting my arm a little, that had a chain around it

I followed it through my eyes, realizing that i had several chains on my ankles as well as the bed

"Am i kidnapped?" My brain quickly connected the dots and anger filled me

This time, i tried to shift to my side and even though it hurt like a bit-h, i still did it

I tried to get up again, converting all my weight onto my left arm

After what seemed like hours, my body sat up straight and i looked in front of me

There was a window, a really big and dirty one

The room wasn't much to look at, it was plain white and covered in dust and webs

"Is this like an abandoned house or what?" I said again, looking towards the door

The little space beneath the door had no light projecting through it, and my first instinct was that it was still the same night

Suddenly, i saw footsteps walking through the gap and my entire body stiffened

"Is she here?" An old familiar voice said and my body tensed a little

"Is this?"

"Yes Boss" a guy said and all the dots connected in my brain like fire

I landed my feet on the ground, standing straight

My chains ruffled a little along each other and so i struggled a bit

The ruffling behind the door grew louder, and i instantly hid behind the bed

Moments later, a shadow entered the room- closing the door behind them

They walked towards me- or so i thought by seeing their leg movement

I looked up as the man turned the corner and met my eyes

Before he could act, i used all my strength in me and hit him with the heaviest chain

"Ow" the man reacted too late as his forehead came in contact with the metal, causing him to collapse

He fainted, dropping to the ground

Along with him fell a bundle of keys and I quickly grabbed them

I tried all of them one by one, hoping one of them would open the lock on the chain

Soon, one of them clicked and my hope came back

I quickly undid the ankle chain and removed them from other parts of my body

I put the keys in my back pocket, and grabbed one of the chains, wrapping it around my palm

By this point i felt so dizzy, as if blood was draining out of my body

"Don't faint Lyra, not right now" i told myself, taking a step forward

I convinced myself to slowly walk towards the door, and open in slowly

I peeked my head out a little, my vision meeting with a dark empty hallway

On one end i saw almost nothing from all the darkness, but the other had some light reflecting through it

"Okay maybe there's a way out" i said to myself, walking out of the door as quietly as possible

I ran towards the entrance, keeping alert of my surroundings at the same time

Suddenly, someone's steps were heard behind me

"Stop" the voice said, following a gun loading echo


I froze, didn't know what to do

"Lyra Harlow" He said and i slowly turned around to meet his eyes

"Marco" i muttered and he smiled

"We finally meet"

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