Chapter 35-Lets get this over with

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Lyra's POV
"I mean don't phrase it like that" i said a little embarrassed, slumping my shoulders

"Its true. You're about to end that man" Arthur said

"If nothing then at least Melissa should know" Andrew said firmly and i bit my lip

The guys stared at me as i battled within on whether or not i should meet Melissa

"Okay fine" i clasped my hands on my knees, coming to a decision

"I will tell her everything tomorrow " i said and the guys broke into a smile

"Great" Andrew said

"I will go back to my house to you know- pack" he said and i giggled

"Am i missing something?" Arthur furrowed his brows and my laughter died down

"Oh yeah, after all this- me and Lyra are moving to the states" Andrew said and my heart skipped a beat

I looked at him to see a playful grin playing on his face

"Wait what?" Arthur said suddenly getting up

He got up so quickly that he knocked the glass of water over- near my leg

"Oh shit" he immediately got on his knees, tracing his song fingers against my feet to make sure I wasn't hurt

"Im okay" i moved my leg away quickly, his fingers still hovering in the air

He got up soon and his eyes met mine- they looked different

"He's lying" i said quickly, calming him

"Bro why did you tell him so early" Andrew said disappointed

"I felt bad" i mumbled

"That almost made me happy" Arthur said smiling and i met his eyes

"Don't worry- I won't let you go so easily" Andrew patted his back, chuckling on his way out

Soon, the front door closed and i released the breath I didn't realise i was holding

"I'll bring something to clean that" i said and sprinted towards the space where the cleaning supplies were

Soon, we got the last bit of glass out and i sat on the bar stool

"You want water?" Arthur asked me and i nodded

He passed me a glass of water that i drank in one big gulp

"Slowly" he said as he watched me

"Sorry" i wiped my lips embarrassed, looking everywhere but him

"Whats going on in your brain?" He asked me finally, and my breath hitched in my throat

"Nothing" i lied

"There's something" he said and i finally met his eyes

They were sparkly, as if he knew everything and was just waiting for me to say it

"I'm just concerned- about Melissa" i lied again and he smiled

"You care about her" he said

"We've been friends my whole life. She's the good past of me" i said recalling those moments

"But everything has changed now, hasn't it?" He said and i nodded

"Once your revenge is over- you can hopefully go back to everything you once dreamed of" he said and my heart started picking speed

He doesn't know a part of me. I still haven't told him.

"You're right" i said, quickly dissipating those thoughts

"what are you actually planning to do after all this?" He asked me as he took a seat beside me and i actually thought about it

"I don't know, maybe take a long vacation" i said

"To where?" He asked

"Madrid. Its my favorite city in the world" i said

"Thats nice" he mumbled

"What about you?" I asked him

"Well i will just live my life the way i am right now" he said

"So you are going to go back to the normal life?" I asked, with a hint of disappointment

"Unless you have other plans?" He eyed me curiously and i felt cold sweats forming on my forehead

"No" i said, tilting my head to the other side

"I think I'm going to meet Melissa tonight" i quickly tried to change the subject, trying to drift his attention

"Didn't you say tomorrow?" Arthur asked

"Yes, but maybe i should just get it over with" i said

"Do you want me to come?" He asked

"Do you want to?" I asked him, both of us silently going to the conversation we had a few days ago

"No" he said

"Let me know if there's a problem" he said getting closer

"Okay" i said

"Why aren't you meeting my eyes?" He said confused

"What do you mean?" I said

"Meet my eyes" he said demandingly but I couldn't muster up the courage

He placed his finger beneath my chin and tilted it so i could meet his eyes

"Better" he said, his soft eyes gazing into my soul

I felt so gullible within that eye contact- I don't even know why

"I think we should say it" he mumbled, enough for me to hear

"Say what" i said- almost a whisper

"You know-" his eyes drifted to my lips, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips

"I'd like to wait until all this is over- so that i can only think about you" i said softly and he smiled

"I'd like that" he said

"I will wait for that moment patiently" he added, softly placing his hand beneath my jaw

"Be safe, call me if you need anything" he said softly, placing a kiss on my forehead

I stayed in his embrace for a few seconds, before pulling away

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked him, holding his hand

"Nothing, why?" He said immediately

"Do you want to have dinner together?" I asked and he smiled

"I would be honored" he said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze

"I will meet you there then" i said smiling wide

"I'll wait for you" he said and soon parted his way

I followed him with my eyes until the door closed behind him, and then i went to my room to get ready

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