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"Please tell me you aren't going to fall for this?" Kevin said, "trust me Kevin I won't, you think we should give this to your dad?" I asked. "Yes are you crazy? This is evidence." I crossed my arms, "maybe it's a test Kevin, I mean you never know." I smiled as he sighed. "I have a feeling the black hood is someone we know... someone your very close to." "I have that feeling to..." I nervously looked at him, "your boyfriend?" He asked. "Kevin no it's not sweet pea, how do we know it's not the guy you've been hooking up with?" I smirked and he grabbed my arm pulling me away shushing me, "are you insane!" He yelled. "Yeah maybe." I teased, "Anyways I'm being serious, some in this town someone's dad." He said.
"There's my perfect girl." Sweet pea hugged me from behind, "hey babe." We kissed. "So I was thinking you wanna come over to the wrym tonight?, I can pick you up." He said, I nodded and traced my fingers on his neck tattoos. We started making out when someone interrupted, "Hello Aurora, Sweet pea." She said awkwardly. "Hey Cheryl everything okay?" I asked, "yes I just..... I think there is something you should see." She said and grabbed my hand. I followed her and so did sweet pea, we made it to my locker and someone spray painted go to hell serpent slut. I felt tears forming, "Who did this!" Yelled sweet pea. "Who ever did it is telling the truth." Said Reggie smiling, "It's not true Reggie, whoever did this has no fucking life since they keep worrying about mine." I yelled. "Careful Aurora, you know Veronica's dad is building a prison. What's te the chances you and your snake dad are the first ones in it?" He asked and than started laughing, I punched him right in the nose and he fell down grabbing his nose. He stood up about to hit me, sweet pea got infront of me grabbing Reggie's arm "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Said sweet pea with a smile. Everyone started laughing at Reggie.

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