As Adeline walked down the stairs she was greeted with Davian tossing winter up in the air as if she was a bean bag.
"Put her down," she said as she approached them and grabbed Winter in her arms. "But babe, she was having fun," he said, giving her the puppy dog eyes so she wouldn't be mad at him. "I understand that, but it's any condition to be thrown around at the moment."
blowing out a breath before agreeing with her on the matter. Finally leaving the house after grabbing everything they needed. head over to one of their family cars. seeing that she didn't have a car seat, Adeline decided to sit in the back with her.
making sure everyone was strapped in Davian headed over to the driver seat before pulling out of the driveway to the mall.
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As we pulled up to the mall, I adjusted Winter in my arms since she fell asleep on the way over there. I was waiting for Davian to come and open the door before handing her off to him so I could get out myself.
On the way over here, I made a short list of what we needed to buy for her. seeing that we also have to redesign her room so she might have to sleep with us most of the time.
locking the door and grabbing the keys from Davian to place in my purse, before heading in the store. walking in we decided to start at the furniture store seeing that they would deliver everything to the house the same day.
looking at the different toddler beds I decided to go with a princess theme for her room. "Bebe we should add a tent in her room so she could have her own little safe space," Davian told me, causing my heart to fall for him all over again.
"That would be a great idea. we also got her some furniture for a playroom?" I know that my husband has been wanting to have a daughter for the longest so, so I know having winter here with us is considered a blessing.
Watching from a distance as he swayed with her in his arms and murmured in her ear when she began to stir made me fall deeper in love with the man in front of me.
He was such a good father, and I knew he would do anything to have a little girl to care for. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, babe," he said, looking down at winter. "We can get her a little table and chairs, and some toys. She'll love that."
I just smiled, feeling happy. I was so grateful to have Davian as my partner. He was an amazing father, and I knew he would always be there for Winter and me. "I'll go look at the beds, and you go look at the furniture for the playroom," I said, kissing him.
He nodded, heading off towards the playroom furniture. I watched him go, feeling so much love for him. He was such a good man, and I was so lucky to have him. I then turned my attention back to the beds, trying to decide which one to get.
After a few minutes, I decided on a cute little princess bed. It had a canopy, and I knew Winter would love it. I went to find Davian, seeing him looking at a little table and chairs. "I found the bed," I said, going over to him.
He turned, smiling at me. "I found the table and chairs. What do you think?" he asked, showing me the furniture. I looked at it, seeing how cute it was. "I love it, babe. She'll love having her little table," I said, kissing him.
We went into a few stores and bought a lot of clothes, by this time winter was awake. We let her roam around and pick out what she wanted but I could see that she was struggling. Watching her eyes move around and land on dresses that had animated characters on them.
While she walked with Davi who seemed to have the same idea as me. We both ended up grabbing clothes that she looked at or nearly brushed her singer across.
As we finish grabbing her a variety of clothes from different stores, we need her at the toy store. One thing I could say about Winter was that she is a sweet and humble little girl. No matter how many times we told her to grab what she wanted she would still only grab a few toys at a time.
As the cart filled up, it mostly had stuffies in it seeing that it was the only thing she liked. Honestly, being an all-boy mom never really gave me the pleasure of expecting things like this.
Don't get me wrong I love my boys, but when they were younger the number of fights that they had over one toy that did the same things as all the other toys drove me insane.
"Bambina, what do you think about this stuffie?" Davian had asked Winter who was leaning against his leg. Smiling at them made me feel that she was finally getting comfortable with us.
"YES", she said happily. "Baby, inside voices remember," I said to her and gave her a small wink as she broke out in a blush.
"Sorry." she said quietly, walking closer and kneeling in front of her."It's okay baby, we have times that we forget that's why it's me and Davi's job to always help you when you mess up okay." I said to her and placed soft kisses on her face, she broke out into laughs.
"What are you over here laughing at," Davian asked as he walked back over to us. looking at each other before shrugging our shoulders at him as we started laughing again.
After about an hour of shopping, we decided to find a place to eat before heading home. As we began our walk to the car I felt a tug on my leg. Looking down to see winter, "What's wrong baby." I asked her.
"My legs are tired," she said, reaching down to pick her up and put her on my hip as we continued on our way.
when we made it to the car and packed everything away before taking the time to install the new car seat for winter in the back so she could be safe.
The process seemed to have taken much longer than needed because Davian didn't want to read the instructions, saying that he'd had enough experience with them. Um, new flash, all of our kids are grown so there's no way he could remember that.