'°till death do us part2'°

553 6 4

[Location: Ubuyashiki estate]
[ship: giyushino]
[mentions of: cuts, blood,]

"Please raise your head," The master asked

[Shinobu raised her head and saw all the Hashira's smiling at her, except one. He looked at her, she catches his gaze  and smiled at him, she looks back at the master]

"Well then, this Hashira meeting is dismissed, welcome Shinobu Kocho" The master replied

[They all took a final bow and then they all got up, Shinobu specifically waited for all the other Hashira's to leave, so she could talk to Tomioka. She walked towards Tomioka and then she Jumped into his arms, he had to react quick and catch her, then he just looked at her confused,]

 She walked towards Tomioka and then she Jumped into his arms, he had to react quick and catch her, then he just looked at her confused,]

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[She jumped off and smiled at him]

"It's been so long Tomioka-San!!" She exclaimed excitedly

[He still had a confused look, she looked a bit sad, seeing he didn't remember her. All of a sudden she saw him grabbing a strand of her hair and he looked into her eyes]

"Shinobu?" He asked

[Her eyes lit up, he remembered her!!]

[He hugged her]

[She hugged him back and smiled]

[They pulled away from the hug and then she had to go so she told him]

"Sorry, Tomioka-San I should go, I need to take care of patients at the Butterfly mansion, bye now!!" she explained

[She ran off waving goodbye to him ]

{TIME SKIP; a few months have passed}

[It has been months since Shinobu has become a Hashira, She got to know everybody and everyone, Some Hashira's were nice, some were rude. But Over the months she learned more about Tomioka-San, he was very quiet, he never even smiled, he barely talked, he had changed, a lot. She decided to tease him, getting him to open up a lot. She noticed how they both would always put on missions together]

[Shinobu was sitting in her office one day, She had to do a Hashira's checkup. She has to do it for their health, but Tomioka would always get hurt the most, the most scratches, injuries, each time it made her mad. Not because it was annoying to heal him, it was scaring her, he was so reckless, he'd die before she would with this pace. Today was Tomioka's turn for his checkup, she heard a knock]

"Come in!" She called out

[Tomioka walked in, pulling his Haori's sleeve over his arm. She wanted to talk to him about her childhood but first she needed to take care of him. ]

"Sit down" she said

[She turned from her chair, then she moved the chair towards Tomioka, she told him to sit on the bed, then she put his hand on the other stool, the one he was covering with his Haori sleeves, she gently rolled up his sleeve she was shocked by what she saw. His arm was swollen, covered in cuts and alot of poison and there was a deep cut, gushing out blood, she looked up at him mad. He looked away and apologized]

"I'm sorry."

[She turned back to her desk, opened a drawer, grabbed a syringe and then she came back to him, then she gently grabbed his hand, she gently inserted it into the arm, hearing him hiss in pain made her feel bad, then she grabbed a mini napkin and gently padded it were she inserted it, then she grabbed some bandages and tissues, and antiseptic, she sprayed some antiseptic onto the cuts and bruises, the he grabs the tissues and gently pads it down, wiping off the blood, then wrapping it with bandages]

"Is that okay.???" She asked worried

"mhm.." he answered

[She wanted to talk about their childhood friendship, she didn't know how to start it off though.]

"Hey, uh Tomioka-San?" She asked akwardly

[He looked up]


"Remember when we were kids?" She asked

[He burst out laughing]

"Okay, Okay, wait!! remember that time a dog bit your butt!!" She laughed

[They remembered all the memories and laughed, This was the first Time Shinobu had seen Giyu truly smile, she wanted to confess her feelings, since they'd be partners]


"Hm?" He answered

[She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him]

[She grabbed his cheeks and kissed him]

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