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While you were sleeping diego was up since the time zone in Mexico and Spain were different.

Diego had just woken up and had to go to fútbol practice with Kevin. He got out of his bed brushing his teeth and changing. He went outside got into his car and drove off

Once he got there he saw Kevin and ran to him
Diego: hey Kevin
Kevin: heyy
Kevin: are you and Y/n still together?
Diego: yeah why?
Kevin: oh I thought you would've broken up with her after what she did
Diego: wait wdym? What are you talking about
Kevin: you haven't seen the news on instagram?
Diego: no what happened?

Kevin pulled out his phone showing Diego the picture of you and Gavi
Diego: wait...
Diego: that's Gavi that one professional fútbol player that plays for Barcelona...
Kevin: mhm
Diego: why are they hugging and holding hands.
Kevin: idk maybe you should text her

Diego took out his phone texting you saying
"Are you seriously cheating on me?"

Diego: she's probably not gonna answer until tomorrow
Kevin: why?
Diego: because Spain has a different time zone.
Diego: but I can't believe she's cheating on me with Gavi.
Kevin: don't worry you'll find someone else.

~in Spain~

You got ready for the day
Since today was the day you had to take acting classes
Your mom drove you off to where you had to go
Your mom: so you have a new boyfriend I see?.
Your mom: we'll looks like you were really happy your mom: and he's famous how did u even find him

Once you got there you walked away mad and went inside the building for your classes

It was really big inside. You didn't know where to go
Then some random guy came up to you "hey are you Y/n ?"
Y/n: yeah that's me
Guy: alr then come with me
He took you inside some studio where they were showing you methods of acting and some other stuff
Once it was over you we're waiting outside for your mom to pick you up
But then saw a munch of people coming up to you saying
"Hey are you Gavi's new girlfriend?"
"Who are you"
"I've never seen you"
"What do you do for living?"
You talked back to them saying
You said nothing trying to walk away but a bunch of them were following you once you saw your moms car you ran to the car fast. Your mom drove off fast
Your mom: where they following you?
Your mom: this situation is such a mess just wait until diego finds out
Y/n: Ty mom that helps
Your mom: sorry!
Once you got home you took a shower
You had nothing to do so you stayed in your bed looking for Diego's and Carolina's account again
But still couldn't find anything.
You decide to text Gavi and tell him about the situation

Y/n: uhh hey Gavi?
Gavi: heyy Y/n
Gavi: I'm guessing you found out?
Y/n: yeah I did and a lot of people we're following me today asking me if I was dating you.
Gavi: yeah a lot of my friends and people were asking me the same thing
Y/n: I was wondering if you could help me?.
Gavi: yeah how?

: sorry for the short chapter I'm about to watch Chivas play rn 😜 so bye I'll post maybe another chapter when the games over😭(sorry if I spelled anything wrong!) and yes I go for Chivas if you hate your a hater🙅🏻‍♀️🧏🏻‍♀️

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