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You and Gavi took a seat next to Santi and his gf
You knew santi and his gf but you mostly knew his gf you have been talking to her for 2 months already
Memo: everyone this is my sister
She came back from Spain her name is Y/n

While memo was talking you keep staring at some girl that looked very familiar
Santi: nice to meet you in person Y/n
Y/n: nice to meet you too santi
Fer: Holaa Y/n
Y/n: Holaa!!
Fer: como estas
Y/n: muy bien y tu?
Fer: bien haha
You smiled at her since she was like the only one you knew
At least you thought...
Memo: oh and also as you already know that's Gavi my sister's boyfriend

When all of the sudden the girl that looked familiar spoke

Girl: Y/n?
Y/n: yeah?
Girl: it's you?
Y/n: wait...
Girl: it's me Carolina
Camila: yeah
Carolina: yeah I thought so too... after you ghosted me.
Y/n: hey look I can explain...
Carolina: no it's fine I don't wanna hear it
Memo: uhh you guys know eachother?
Carolina: yeah something like that...
Carolina then looked at the corner seeing someone coming out of the bathroom
Carolina: finally your back
She Gave him a kiss
You recognized him it was Kevin...
Kevin saw you and his eyes widened
Memo: oh Kevin you missed it
Kevin: what did I miss?
Memo: this is my sister Y/n she just came back from Spain
Kevin: nice to meet you Y/n
Y/n: mhm
There was so much tension you could feel it especially because Diego and his gf were there
Blond lady: ohh heyy Y/n nice to see you again haha
Y/n: oh heyy...
Memo: so how did you and Gavi meet?
Y/n: in a beach haha
Gavi: yeah it's a long story
Carolina: a beach?
Y/n: mhm
Carolina: eww haha
Y/n: that was unnecessary but okay...
Y/n: but anyways...
Y/n: where are you staying at?
Memo: we'll we're all living together rn
It's just for a bit
Y/n: ohh so you all live together?
Memo: yup
Memo: wbu? Do you live with Gavi?
Y/n: No haha
Gavi: not yet
Memo: you guys plan on having kids?
You look back at Gavi with a smile on your face
Gavi: yes but not rn
Y/n: soon...
Gavi put his hand around you hugging you
You could feel Kevin staring at you
Memo: would you like to sleep at our place Y/n?
Y/n: yeah sure why not

Once dinner was over everyone went back home on a party bus
You we're getting a bit tired in the party bus so you decided to lay your head on Gavi's thigh
Gavi was just combing your hair while smiling
Memo: you guys are cute together
Gavi looked at memo with a smile on his face
Gavi: I got lucky

~ at memos place ~
Everyone went inside while Gavi was carrying you inside since you were still sleeping
Gavi: memo do you have a room where me and Y/n can sleep?
Memo: yeah follow me
Memo showed Gavi the room that you and Gavi will sleep in
Gavi placed you on the bed putting a blanket on you
But you woke up
Y/n: what happened
Gavi: you fell asleep
Y/n: ohh
Gavi: you want to change?
Y/n: yeah I'm uncomfortable with these heels and dress on
Gavi handed you some clothes that Memo gave to you and Gavi
You changed and got comfy with Gavi in the bed all cuddled up
Y/n: Gavi I'm so comfortable but I need to use the bathroom
Gavi: aww alr
Y/n: I'll be back
Gavi: alr
You got out the room trying to find memo
Memo: is there something wrong?
Y/n: where's your bathroom at haha?
Memo: oh it's over there on the left corner
Y/n: okay ty also goodnight
Memo: goodnight!
You walked over to the bathroom
You locked yourself in there turning the lights on to see Kevin inside
Y/n: WTF
Kevin: shh don't yell
Y/n: get out I need to use the bathroom
Kevin: we have to talk
Y/n: there's nothing to talk about get out I need to use the bathroom
Kevin: I'm not leaving until you listen to me
Y/n: I don't have time for this omgg please get out
Kevin: no
Kevin: alr I'll wait outside for you
Y/n: ok
Once you were done you opened the door letting Kevin in
Kevin: are you still mad at me after what happened that day?
Y/n: yeah who wouldn't be I didn't know you were that type of guy.
Kevin: I didn't mean to do it Y/n...
Kevin: you don't know how much I regret doing that.
Y/n: it's whatever can I leave now
Kevin: no not yet
Y/n: what else do you want?
Kevin: what happened to you?
Kevin: you blocked me and stopped answering to Diego's and Carolinas messages?
Y/n: it's a long story
Kevin: I'm listening
Y/n: we'll I don't feel like telling you
Kevin: why
Y/n: because I don't can I just leave now.
Kevin: y/n.... Im trying to talk to you
Y/n: you already did
Kevin: I just want you to forgive me after what I've done Ik what I did was a wrong.
Y/n: yeah wtv I forgive you can I go now Gavi's waiting for me
Kevin: so you really are dating him?
Y/n: mhm
Kevin: you cheated on Diego?
Y/n: No...
Kevin: there were a bunch of photos of you and Gavi being touchy
Y/n: we'll it's not what it l-
Y/n: why do I even bother this has nothing to do with you
Kevin: yk Diego missed you a lot
Y/n: really? Glad he's okay now I mean he has a gf and she's really nice and pretty
Y/n: I see your still dating Carolina
Y/n: she changed a lot...
Kevin: yeah she did A LOT after what you did
Y/n: I didn't even do anything to her but apparently I did
Kevin: she's mad because you ghosted her
Kevin: after that all she does is talk bad about you
Y/n: okay...
Y/n: can I go?...
Kevin: I just wanted t-
* loud knock *
Gavi: Y/n??
Gavi: are you okay in there?
You jumped and widened your eyes looking at Kevin
you said whispering
Y/n: yes I'm doing good I'm almost done
Gavi: alr I'll wait in the room
Y/n: mhm
Gavi left
Kevin looks at you smiling and laughing
Kevin: yeah wtv
Kevin: sooo??
Y/n: what?
Kevin: do you really forgive me?
You just stood there thinking
Y/n: yk what
Kevin: what?
Y/n: fine I forgive you.
Y/n: I'm giving you a second chance don't fuck it up Kevin because I'm not giving you a 3rd chance
Kevin: I promise Y/n
Kevin: let's just forget about what happened in the past and re start all over again
Y/n: yeah your right haha
You smiled at him giving him a hug
Y/n: I missed our friendship
Kevin: so did I
Y/n: sooo since we're on good terms can we talk about something important...
Kevin: yeah? What's up
Y/n: so about diego...
Kevin: Y/n... don't tell me you still like him.
Y/n: Noo I don't I just want to know how he reacted about the situation yk...
Kevin: we'll...

: imma post another chapter so I don't have y'all waiting 🤭😜

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