Meet up

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"Wtf are you doing in here?" Diego said
"Look, I can explain-" Kevin said getting interrupted by Diego
"Wtf Y/n why was he in here?" Diego said confused and mad at the same time
"We weren't doing anything weird... he just wanted to talk," I said

Talk or fuck? Because you could have talked in the living room, Diego said.
"We'll yk there's some stuff people don't want others to know Diego." I said trying to calm things down
"Yeah, but he was in here while we were doing shit?" Diego said
"You could have told me?" Diego said
"I didn't because I knew you were gonna react the way you are rn!" I said
"You would've thought we were doing something weird," I said
"I just needed to talk to Y/n in private that's it nothing else." Kevin said
"I don't-" Diego said, stopping and looking at you walk out of the bathroom

Diego then turned to look at Kevin
"So what were you really doing with her, Kevin?" Diego said, his tone making it clear that he wasn't messing around.

"We were just talking, I mean, that's all we were doing." Kevin said, his voice coming out more like a whisper than his normal, louder voice.

"Just tell me the truth. You two were making out in there weren't you?" Diego said
"We weren't doing anything, plus why do you care you guys aren't even dating" Kevin said walking out of the bathroom

I went to my room to start packing so I wouldn't have to worry about it tomorrow.

Once I finished I just stayed in my room all day, I did want to talk to Kevin about what happened earlier, but I didn't know when it would be a good time too because Carolina clung to Kevin like she couldn't live without him.

I was watching a movie and suddenly something occurred to me. I forgot that I could text Kevin at any time

I quickly typed out a text to Kevin: "Can we meet privately without the risk of being caught? I have something important I need to talk to you about."

Then I hit send and waited anxiously for his response, my mind and heart racing
I waited patiently for Kevin's text back
After a long, anxious wait, I finally got a text back from Kevin. I opened the text with nervous anticipation and it read: "Okay. When and where?" I texted him back replying with: "The park would be a good place. We can meet there and no one else would ever think to look for us there. As for when, how about later tonight? We can meet at the park around 9 pm?"
He then liked my message instead of replying.

Now that it's getting darker, I start to feel a bit uneasy about the situation. In the daylight, the situation felt more thrilling and exciting, but now that night is falling, the situation feels more dangerous.

Now I feel more anxious about meeting up with him behind the park without anyone else being around and no one knowing where or why we are meeting.

To pass the time I decided to shower and then after watch a movie... I got comfortable in my bed all snuggled up picking out a random movie to watch. Once I picked it out, I lay there watching it, but slowly I started falling asleep...

It was 7pm at the time. Once it hit 9pm I was still asleep... I woke up to my phone ringing I got up and got my phone answering
"Hello?" I said not fully awake, "when are you coming? Y/n? It's already 9pm" Kevin said
"WAIT ITS 9PM?" I said getting up fast
"Yeah, you told me to meet up with you at the park at 9pm?" Kevin said

"Yeah- yeah I did, I'll be there" I said, hanging up
I got up changing into something comfy because it was a bit cold outside. I headed downstairs about to leave through the door, but Memo stopped me. "Pa dónde vas?" Memo said "tengo que ir a la tienda ahorita vengó" I said rushing out the door...

I decided to walk since it was pretty close but not to close to get caught

I decided to walk since it was pretty close but not to close to get caught

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: Hope you guys enjoyed! Also happy New Year's Eve hope 2024 treats you guys well 🫶🩷

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